“Along Came a Spider” quotes
All actors – Morgan Freeman, Monica Potter, Michael Wincott, Dylan Baker, Mika Boorem, Anton Yelchin, Kim Hawthorne, Jay O. Sanders, Billy Burke, Michael Moriarty, Penelope Ann Miller, Anna Maria Horsford, Scott Heindl, Christopher Shyer, Jill Teed, Ian Marsh, Raoul Ganeev, Samantha Ferris, Ocean Hellman, Tom McBeath, Tamara Taggart, Suzette Meyers, Brian Arnold, Chris Robson, Jonathan Walker, Debra Donohue, Mila Dobrozdravich, Aaron Joseph, Ravil Isyanov, Ronin Wong, Campbell Lane, Charles Andre, Claire Riley, Paul Carson, Donna Lysell, Kevin Hayes, Steve Makaj, Nathaniel DeVeaux, Wynn Hall, Charles Andison, Tarie Tennessey, Darryl Scheelar, Craig March, Darryl Dillard, Carter Jahncke, Jim Hild, , Greg Cool, Patricia DiZebba, Rick Kain, Charles A. Lindbergh, Bruce Lindsay, Leo Rogstad, Kyley Statham
show all“Along Came a Spider” Quotes 14 quotes
“- Jezzie Flannigan: What if you do, betray your gift?
- Alex Cross: Then you betray yourself. That's a sad thing.”“- Alex Cross: Wow. Imagine the patience... the dedication...
- Jezzie Flannigan: You sound like an admirer.”“- Jezzie Flannigan: Would you kill another partner?
- Alex Cross: You're not my partner.”“- Alex Cross: Now what makes you so sure that's what's going to happen?
- Ben Devine: Me getting fired or the girl in a ditch? Sorry. I'm having a pessimistic day.”“To be brutally honest, I think you have a morbid desire to burn in Hell.”
“- Vickie: It's time you forgave yourself.
- Alex Cross: Vickie, you know that forgiving yourself is the one thing a person cannot do.”“You do what you are. You're born with a gift. If not that, then you get good at something along the way. And what you're good at, you don't take for granted. You don't betray it.”
“Mr. Cross, you're telling me you haven't a clue! Not one clue! The man walked in the fucking room and you shot him.”
“- Jezzie Flannigan: Agent Devine is security systems supervisor.
- Ben Devine: Well, for now. We're going to be thrown to the wolves, as soon as they find Megan Rose dead in a ditch.”“I am living proof, that a mind is a terrible thing.”
“He's like a spider. I happen to like spiders.”
“- Tracie: How come I haven't seen you?
- Jim: I noticed you the first night I walked in. You always stand out.”“They say that when I die, the case will die. They say it will be like a book I close. But the book, it will never close...”