“Assault of the Killer Bimbos” quotes

Movie Assault of the Killer Bimbos
Title Assault of the Killer Bimbos
Year 1988
Director Anita Rosenberg
Genre Comedy
Interpreted by
All actors – Elizabeth Kaitan, Christina Whitaker, Tammara Souza, Nick Cassavetes, Griffin O'Neal, Jamie Bozian, Mike Muscat, Patti Astor, Arell Blanton, David Marsh, Clayton Landey, Jeffrey Orman
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  • “- Peaches: The go-go happens to be a highly respected classical art form. It is interpretive dance in rock 'n' roll format...
    - Lulu: In bikinis.”

    Christina Whitaker - Peaches
    Elizabeth Kaitan - Lulu
    [Tag:art, dancing]