“Batman” quotes

Movie Batman
Tim Burton directed this movie in 1989
Title Batman
Year 1989
Director Tim Burton
Genre Action, Adventure
Plot – The struggle between Batman, a masked hero who is actually a charitable billionaire of Gotham City, and The Joker, a disfigured criminal, is on its last legs. The Joker is very cruel and he usually tries to destroy the city using very powerful weapons such as nitrous oxide. The two men have already met before as The Joker is actually the one who killed Bruce's parents when he was a child. Furthermore, he blames Batman for his aspect.
All actors – Michael Keaton, Jack Nicholson, Kim Basinger, Robert Wuhl, Pat Hingle, Billy Dee Williams, Michael Gough, Jack Palance, Jerry Hall, Tracey Walter, Lee Wallace, William Hootkins, Richard Strange, Carl Chase, Mac McDonald, George Lane Cooper, Terence Plummer, Philip Tan, John Sterland, Edwin Craig, Vincent Wong, Joel Cutrara, John Dair, Christopher Fairbank, George Roth, Kate Harper, Bruce McGuire, Richard Durden, Kit Hollerbach, Lachele Carl, Del Baker, Jazzer Jeyes, Wayne Michaels, Valentino Musetti, Rocky Taylor, Keith Edwards, Leon Herbert, Steve Plytas, Anthony Wellington, Amir M. Korangy, Hugo Blick, Charles Roskilly, Philip O'Brien, Michael Balfour, Liza Ross, Garrick Hagon, Adrian Meyers, David Baxt, Sharon Holm, Clyde Gatell, Jon Soresi, Sam Douglas, Elliott Stein, Denis Lill, Paul Birchard, Paul Michael, , Priscilla Cory, Harold Coyne, Clive Curtis, Serena Destouche, Pat Gorman, John Ketteringham, Roy Lansford, Pam Rose, Rachel Ryan, Christian Wolf-La'Moy
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