“Bowling for Columbine” quotes
Michael Francis Moore
directed this movie
in 2002
Title Bowling for Columbine
Year 2002
Director Michael Moore
Genre History, Documentary
Year 2002
Director Michael Moore
Genre History, Documentary
Plot – The movie tells about the Columbine High School massacre occured in 1999, when two students killed twelve classmates and a teacher before shooting themselves.
All actors – Michael Moore, Salvador Allende, Jacobo Arbenz, Mike Bradley, Arthur A. Busch, George Bush, George W. Bush, Michael Caldwell, Richard Castaldo, Dick Clark, Bill Clinton, Steve Davis, Ngo Dinh Diem, Mike Epstein, Joe Farmer, Denny Fennell, Barry Glassner, Dick Herlan, Charlton Heston, Jeremy Hix, Ernest F. Hollings, Jimmie Hughes, Saddam Hussein, Emir of Kuwait, Amanda Lamante, Mary Lorenz, Marilyn Manson, Daniel Mauser, Tom Mauser, Evan McCollum, Timothy McVeigh, Carey McWilliams, Mohammed Mossadegh, James Nichols, Terry Nichols, Manuel Noriega, Tamarla Owens, Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Trey Parker, Robert J. Pickell, Augusto Pinochet, Jeff Rossen, Nicole Schlief, David Smith, Susan Smith, Matt Stone, Mark Taylor, Denise Ames, John Ashcroft, Emma Bunton, Dick Cheney, Aline Chrétien, Jean Chrétien, Reginald Denny, Byron Dorgan, Jeff Doucett, R. Budd Dwyer, Leon Errol, Mike Fasolo, Sarah Ferguson, Eric Harris, Heinrich Himmler, Adolf Hitler, Rob Huebel, Brandon T. Jackson, Daniel V. Jones, John Kerry, Dylan Klebold, Joe Lieberman, Dennis Morgan, Harold Moss, Maritza Martin Munoz, Oliver North, Emilio Nunez, Gary Plauche, Prince Andrew, Prince Charles, Pat Robertson, Chris Rock, Donald Rumsfeld, Jessica Savitch
show all“Bowling for Columbine” Quotes 23 quotes
“We need to control the bullets. I think all bullets should cost five thousand dollars. If a bullet cost five thousand dollars, there'd be no more innocent bystanders. People would think before they killed somebody.”
“If more guns make people safer, then America would be one of the safest countries in the world. It isn't. It's the opposite.”
“- John Nichols: When the government turns tyrannical, it is your duty to overthrow it.
- Michael Moore: Why not use Gandhi's way? He didn't have guns, and he beat the British Empire.”“What is so different about Americans? Are we homicidal in nature? Because in Europe and Australia, most other free-world countries they don't have this. They don't have people who snap and go on murderous rampages.”
“Our children get turned into little monsters, but who's to blame?”
“My favorite statistic is discovering that the murder rate had gone down by 20%. The coverage that is, how many murders are on the evening news it went up by 600%.”
“In George Bush's America the poor were not a priority. And after September 11th correcting America's social problems took a back seat to fear, panic and a new set of priorities.”
“I use the pen, because the pen is mightier than the sword. But you must always keep a sword handy for when the pen fails.”
“The media wants to turn it into fear. There's floods, there's AIDS, there's murder, cut to commercial, buy the Acura, buy the Colgate, if you have bad breath they're not going to talk to you, if you have pimples, the girl's not going to fuck you, and it's just this campaign of fear, and consumption, and that's what I think it's all based on, the...” (continue)(continue reading)
“In your mind, somebody might break into your house to harm you or your family. What does that person look like?”
“I think it's easy to throw my face on the TV, because in the end, I'm a poster boy for fear. Because I represent what everyone is afraid of, because I say and do whatever I want.”
Every time that I bring up comparisons with other free-world countries, what I hear is: "Our culture is so different. We're so different". They have violent video games, they have violent movies, they have alienated youth. They, like us, don't have prayer in schools. What is so radically different? What is it about us?
“The media, the corporations, the politicians have all done such a good job of scaring the American public, it's come to the point where they don't need to give any reason at all.”