“Braindead” quotes
Sir Peter Jackson
directed this movie
in 1992
Title Braindead
Year 1992
Director Peter Jackson
Genre Comedy, Horror
Year 1992
Director Peter Jackson
Genre Comedy, Horror
Plot – Lionel knows to have a nosy and intrusive mother. What he doesn't even imagine is that his mother, due to a monkey's bite, has become a zombie. Her first victim is a nurse, the second one is the priest who accompanies her during her own funeral. Then the priest and the nurse give birth to a baby zombie soon after.
All actors – Timothy Balme, Diana Peñalver, Elizabeth Moody, Ian Watkin, Brenda Kendall, Stuart Devenie, Jed Brophy, Stephen Papps, Murray Keane, Glenis Levestam, Lewis Rowe, Elizabeth Mulfaxe, Harry Sinclair, Davina Whitehouse, Silvio Famularo, Brian Sergent, Peter Vere-Jones, Tina Regtien, Bill Ralston, Tony Hopkins, Tony Hiles, Duncan Smith, Tich Rowney, George Port, Stephen Andrews, Nick Ward, Kenny McFadden, Angela Robinson-Witherspoon, Johnny Chico, Peter Jackson, James Grant, Michelle Turner, Jim Booth, Sam Dallimore, Anna Cahill, Kate Jason-Smith, Fran Walsh, Norman Willerton, Robert Ericson, Morgan Rowe, Sean Hay, Vicki Walker, Chris Short, Jamie Selkirk, Brad Selkirk, Forrest J Ackerman, Gim Bon, Sarah Scott Davis, Anthony Donaldson, Jo Edgecombe, Mel Edgecombe, Melody French, Ken Hammon, Michael Helms, Mary O'Leary, Simon Perkins, Annie Prior, Vanessa Redmond, Chris Ryan, Tim Saywell, Paul Shannon, Belinda Todd, Elizabeth Brimilcombe, Queen Elizabeth II
show all“Braindead” Quotes 1 quote
“Lionel, despite being deprived of his father at an early age, was blessed with an abundance of motherlove.”