“Bravo Two Zero” quotes
All actors – Sean Bean, Jamie Bartlett, Kevin Collins, Ian Curtis, Richard Graham, Robert Hobbs, Steve Nicolson, Rick Warden, Ron Senior Jr., Robert Whitehead, Caz Abrahams, Nick Ashby
show all“Bravo Two Zero” Quotes 10 quotes
“I wasn't afraid. I was depressed.”
“We're soldiers. It's my profession and I'm proud of it. Nobody said you had to be crap at it. As for the men who tortured us, they had a job to do as well. It's just that some of them enjoyed it a but too much. If I met any of them in the street tomorrow, and thought I could get away with it, I'd slot them.”
“The psychiatrists turned up to check us for signs of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Turned out they were more strung-out than we were.”
“Dinger. Ex-Para, Chain smoker. Comment? My God, my country, my Harley Davidson. Not necessarily in that order.”
- Baz: Hey, Ding... is there an apostrophe in "we're"?
- Dinger: As in what?
- Baz: As in "we're in the shit".
- Dinger: Oh, yes.“- Dinger: Did you know that Saddam Hussein is an anagram of 'He's a sad nudist'?
- Andy McNab: Where did the 'M' go?
- Dinger: I swapped it for a 'T'.
- Andy McNab: You can't do that.
- Dinger: Well I just did.
- Andy McNab: That's not right.”“This is your nuclear, biological, and chemical protection suit, and bibs. Just think of it as a large condom with legs.”
“- Dinger: Why did you join the Army?
- Andy McNab: To keep out of trouble.
- Dinger: So your thought if you joined up they'd be no more trouble?
- Andy McNab: Best thing I ever did. Never been in trouble since.”“If the Iraqis didn't kill us, the weather was going to.”