“Brawl in Cell Block 99” quotes
All actors – Vince Vaughn, Jennifer Carpenter, Don Johnson, Udo Kier, Marc Blucas, Dion Mucciacito, Geno Segers, Victor Almanzar, Tom Guiry, Willie C. Carpenter, Mustafa Shakir, Fred Melamed, Pooja Kumar, Clark Johnson, Devon Windsor, Michael Medeiros, Gabriel Sloyer, Jonathan Lee, Tobee Paik, Rob Morgan, Dan Amboyer, Calvin Dutton, Brandon Alan Smith, Mike Hodge, Larry Mitchell, Keren Dukes, Phil McGlaston, Tuffy Questell, Peter Jay Fernandez, Adam Mucci, Philip Ettinger, Gilbert Soto, Charles Dumas, Franco Gonzalez, Ernesto Rosas, Brian Wiles, Adrian Matilla, Jay Hieron, Louis Scarano, Bill Anagnos, Craig Hutchinson, Corey Pierno, Ohene Cornelius, Banks The Dog, Dexter the Dog, , Richard Buckman, Chad Knorr, Ethan Korver, Kyle Marasciulo, Jack Miller, Phil Northman, Ernesto Rosas, Vladimir Troitsky
show all“Brawl in Cell Block 99” Quotes 10 quotes
“- Andre: You box?
- Bradley Thomas: No.
- Andre: Them muscles just for show?
- Bradley Thomas: Helps me lift stuff.”“- Gil: In the fridge. Jill got you your faggoty mineral water.
- Bradley Thomas: I didn't know H2O's got a sexual orientation.”“- Lauren Thomas: You're gonna be a drug dealer?
- Bradley Thomas: No. I'm gonna drive packages for a friend.”“I'd rather knit baby booties with pink yarn than hit people for no reason.”
“That's right, I'm loco. Now get the fuck out of my crazy way.”
“- Bradley Thomas: That necessary?
- Andre: Pretend like you're talking to God.
- Bradley Thomas: He doesn't smell like nachos.”“Don't call me a foreigner. Last time I checked, the colors of the flag weren't red, white and burrito.”