“Broadway Danny Rose” quotes

Movie Broadway Danny Rose
Woody Allen directed this movie in 1984
Title Broadway Danny Rose
Year 1984
Director Woody Allen
Genre Comedy, Drama
Plot – In a small restaurant of New York, some artists remember their careers, their "numbers" and successes, until one of them tells about Danny Rose, the impresario who has launched them all many years ago. Danny was a modest man, often unlucky but always friendly. Many of the artists soon abandoned him, even Lou Canova, an Italian-American man who sang melodic songs '50s style.
All actors – Woody Allen, Mia Farrow, Nick Apollo Forte, Sandy Baron, Corbett Monica, Jackie Gayle, Morty Gunty, Will Jordan, Howard Storm, Jack Rollins, Milton Berle, Craig Vandenburgh, Herb Reynolds, Paul Greco, Frank Renzulli, Edwin Bordo, Gina DeAngeles, Peter Castellotti, Sandy Richman, Gerald Schoenfeld, Olga Barbato, David I. Kissel, Gloria Parker, Bob Rollins, Etta Rollins, Robert Weil, David Kieserman, Mark Hardwick, Alba Ballard, Maurice Shrog, Belle Berger, Herschel Rosen, Joe Franklin, Cecilia Amerling, Maggie Ranone, Charles D'Amodio, Joie Gallo, Carl Pistilli, Lucy Iacono, Julia Barbuto, Anna Sceusa, Nicholas Pantano, Rocco Pantano, Tony Turca, Gilda Torterello, Ronald Maccone, Antoinette Raffone, Michael Badalucco, Richard Lanzano, Dom Matteo, Camille Saviola, Sheila Bond, Betty Rosotti, Howard Cosell, John Doumanian, Gary Reynolds, Diane Zolten, William Paulson, George Axler, Leo Steiner, Danny Aiello, Robert Dahdah, Sammy Davis Jr., Bobby DeAngelo
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