“Bullet to Beijing” quotes
(1995)All actors – Anatoly Kulbitsky, Shaughan Seymour, Michael Caine, Corinna Richards, Tamara Timofeeva, Jason Connery, Anatoliy Shvederskiy, Helena Michell, Juliette Benson, Patrick Allen, Sue Lloyd, Annika Bullus
show all“Bullet to Beijing” Quotes 5 quotes
“- Harry Palmer: Are you in charge of this operation?
- Nick: Yes.
- Harry Palmer: You're a bit young, aren't you?
- Nick: You don't worry about my youth, and I won't worry about your age.”“- Harry Palmer: Tell me Nick, have you got a mole on the left cheek of your ass?
- Nick: No.
- Harry Palmer: Neither have I. We could be related.”“I'm not being overly dramatic, Mr. Palmer, when I say the fate of the world is in your hands.”
“Here's to capitalism and big tits.”
“- Voice on phone: We were given your number by a friend.
- Harry Palmer: Nice to know I have any.”