“Carlito's Way:Rise to Power” quotes
All actors – Jay Hernandez, Mario Van Peebles, Luis Guzmán, Sean Combs, Michael Kelly, Giancarlo Esposito, Jaclyn DeSantis, Burt Young, Mtume Gant, Domenick Lombardozzi, Juan Carlos Hernández, Eric Nieves
show all“Carlito's Way:Rise to Power” Quotes 20 quotes
“There ain't gonna be no hustlers when the Revolution comes. They all gonna get lined up against the wall with all the other oppressors.”
“What I tell you? One day you gonna meet the right kind of man.”
“Now, this is historical. A Puerto Rican, a brother, an Italian, all bunking together in the joint.”
“Puerto Rican's been getting jammed since the fortys, and ain't nobody said nothing. My people. They hit New York and filed into the roach stables in Spanish Harlem and the South Bronx. They sat behind the sewing machines, stood behind the steam tables and marched behind the brooms. In other words, they busted their ass.”
“I do not give a shit if you knock over Fort Knox. If I don't get my two million back before the week's out, your testicles are gonna be jammed in your eye sockets. You get that? In you're fucking eye sockets!”
“When you take something that's mine, that offends me. It's spitting in my face.”
“Earl was the brains. One of the top numbers guys in Harlem. Inside or out, nothing ever went down without discussing it with Earl. Rocco had all the connections. Rocco didn't talk like no wiseguy. He spoke nice and soft. Dignified.”
“I'm Carlito Brigante. You ever heard of me? Then you know I ain't no fucking dry cleaner. Now, you can leave like you came in. Or you can go in the trunk of my car. All up to you. Comprende?”
“Carlito, Carlito. You listen to Nacho. This loyalty that you have for your friends, it's rare in this business. But someday, it's gonna get you killed.”
“I know who you are, Carlito Brigante. You think you own this neighborhood. And all the hard working people, they belong to you, but no. All you, all you own is the junkies.”
“- Earl: Brother, relax. You come in next week, we'll work something out.
- Hollywood Nicky: First of all, I ain't your motherfucking brother. And there ain't gonna be no next week unless we work this shit out now. Right now.”“What do you think you're doing? Putting up schools and nursing homes? You motherfucker's are heroin dealers.”
“Fuck you, Carlito. You said next time you see me gonna be bad. Well, you shouldn't have come looking then, because you dying first.”
“I got my dignity, my pride.”
“I'm only letting you out of here, if you have dinner with me. Otherwise, I'm coming into the house, I'm gonna wake everybody up, introduce myself, maybe uh make some coffee.”