“Christmas in the Wild” quotes

Movie Christmas in the Wild
Title Christmas in the Wild
Year 2019
Director Ernie Barbarash
Genre Drama, Comedy, Romance
Interpreted by
Plot – The life of Kate Conrad, a woman from Manhattan, is turned upside-down when her husband decides to leave her just before their second honeymoon trip to Africa. Determined to spend some nice Christmas holidays regardless of all, she decides to go on the safari on her own. In the wildlife alongside the guide Derek, she will unexpectedly rescue a baby elephant and find new passions and love.
All actors – Rob Lowe, Kristin Davis, Fezile Mpela, John Owen Lowe, Colin Moss, Keeno Lee Hector, Thandi Puren, Waldemar Schultz, Hayley Owen, Lynita Crofford, Kgahliso Solomon, Tapiwa Musvosvi, Renate Stuurman, Faniswa Yisa, Chanelys Garcia Nyapisi, Stevel Marc, Marty Kintu, Rosanna Minchella, Olivia Krevoy, Oscar Shumbwamuntu
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