“Clockwatchers” quotes

Movie Clockwatchers
Title Clockwatchers
Year 1997
Director Jill Sprecher
Genre Comedy, Drama
Plot – Four girls are employed in a big company on short-term contracts. All have different desires: to have a good career, to find a friend or to have success into the entertainment world. There's even who relies on luck.
All actors – Toni Collette, Parker Posey, Lisa Kudrow, Alanna Ubach, Helen FitzGerald, Stanley DeSantis, Jamie Kennedy, David James Elliott, Debra Jo Rupp, Kevin Cooney, Bob Balaban, Paul Dooley
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  • “It's funny how doubt hides itself. It follows behind you. It waits in every corner. You never see it coming. But you feel it, on the inside. Maybe it was just that office. Or maybe it was bigger than that, it was all around. A million eyes. Watching. Judging. The whole wide world even. You feel so small.”
    Toni Collette - Iris Chapman
  • “- Margaret: Do you ever feel like you're floating? Like you're not connected to anything or anybody?
    - Iris Chapman: Yeah, sometimes.”

    Parker Posey - Margaret Burre
    Toni Collette - Iris Chapman
    [Tag:feeling, senses]
  • “I can sit there and do nothing as good as anyone.”
    Parker Posey - Margaret Burre
    [Tag:ability, laziness]
  • “Everything is temporary. Everything begins and ends and begins again. When I look ahead, I imagine infinite possible futures repeated like countless photocopies, a thousand blank pages, and in each one I see myself, never hiding, never sitting silently, and never just waiting and waiting and watching the world go by.”
    Toni Collette - Iris Chapman
  • “Sometimes it hits you how quickly the present fades into the past, and you question everything around you. You wonder if anything you'd ever do would matter.”
    Toni Collette - Iris Chapman
  • “Sometimes I feel like I could disappear for weeks, and no one would even notice.”
    Parker Posey - Margaret Burre
  • “I once read that there are two kinds of time: mechanical and human. You could say my story began at 8:59 the day I started that job, and ended months later, when I left it. But I'd tell you it began in the past, with my old self; and ended in the future, the new one.”
    Toni Collette - Iris Chapman
  • “The only real challenge with this job is trying to look busy when there's nothing to do.”
    Parker Posey - Margaret Burre
    [Tag:appearance, job]
  • “Sometimes I thought about what Margaret said. About how a person can just drift through life like they're not connected to anyone or anything. You look around - all those characters trying to kill time. Going around in circles. Even if a person wanted to break free, they could find out they've got nowhere else to go.”
    Toni Collette - Iris Chapman
    [Tag:freedom, meaning, time]
  • “It's sad, isn't it, how people always end up betraying each other? And for what?”
    Parker Posey - Margaret Burre