“Coup De Torchon” quotes
All actors – Philippe Noiret, Isabelle Huppert, Jean-Pierre Marielle, Stéphane Audran, Eddy Mitchell, Guy Marchand, Irène Skobline, Michel Beaune, Jean Champion, Victor Garrivier, Gérard Hernandez, Abdoulaye Diop
show all“Coup De Torchon” Quotes 30 quotes
“- Lucien Cordier: I can't read the aviator's book. It's too well-written.
- Anne: You like sounding illiterate? You're not. So why?
- Lucien Cordier: Habit. Grammar gets rusty like everything else if you don't use it. And in Africa the same goes for good and evil. What's good? What's evil? - Nobody knows. It's not much use here. So it gets rusty...” (continue)(continue reading)“Better the blind man who pisses out the window than the joker who told him it was a urinal. Know who the joker is? It's everybody.”
“- Lucien Cordier: Do you know the question no one can answer? The big question?
- George Le Peron: Go ahead.
- Lucien Cordier: When you scratch your balls, is it 'cause they itch, or 'cause it feels good?”“- Le Peron: You've got nothing to do around here.
- Lucien Cordier: Doing nothing is my job. I'm paid for it.
- Le Peron: So go do nothing somewhere else.”Do you know why dogs sniff each other's butts? When dogs still ruled the world, they held a convention to vote new laws. The head dog said: "I suggest that due to poor hygiene here, our assholes we leave at the door". The dogs agreed and de-assholed. But just then, a tornado blew in and mixed all the assholes up. Not one dog recognized his own.... (continue)(continue reading)
“Kicking a dying man isn't very nice. But first, I wanted to, and second, it's no risk. This hurts me more than you.”
“There are three kinds of French: real French, shit French, and French shit.”
“- Priest: You'll never arrest anybody. How can they respect you? You've got to show folks you're brave, honest, and hard-working. Here, hold this.
- Lucien Cordier: I can't.
- Priest: Why not?
- Lucien Cordier: First, because I'm not brave, honest, and hard-working, and second, because I don't think my bosses want me to be.
- Priest: How come?
-...” (continue)(continue reading)“- Rose: Having you is an honor. Killing my husband for love.
- Lucien Cordier: No, I was just getting rid of trash. The trash also happened to be your husband.
- Rose: There's a lot of trash around.
- Lucien Cordier: There'll be less and less. Had to start somewhere.”“- Le Peron: You can always be bribed.
- Lucien Cordier: I've got no choice. First, I'm underpaid; second, my wife takes all my money; and third, fining you is practically a civic duty.”“We all kill what we love.”
“One shot kills thirst; two, worms; three, death.”
“- Rose: You have to help me. I can't take it. What can I do?
- Lucien Cordier: How the hell do I know? Any idiot can see they were shot with your gun.
- Rose: But that's horrible!
- Lucien Cordier: At first it is horrible. But then you start to think about starving kids, little girls sold into slavery, women whose sex is sewn up... God created...” (continue)(continue reading)“- Anne: I'm the new schoolteacher of Bourkassa.
- Lucien Cordier: That's a fine profession. A vocation, I'd say. Thanks to you, black children will be able to read their daddy's name on French war memorials.”“I do things without thinking. Later I understand. I never plan ahead.”
“You kissed too much white ass. You asked to get fucked. This is what I do with friends like you.”
“- Lucien Cordier: What's wrong? You know I have to.
- Vendredi: But Captain, I trusted you. You're different from other white men.
- Lucien Cordier: There's your mistake.”“You could make a mint just doing what you like best, which you do better than any woman I know. And since we'll probably never see each other again, I'll be glad to bang you one last time, even though you're a fugitive.”
“We've got to laugh in this world, or else we'd shoot ourselves.”
“- Lucien Cordier: Can you excuse a pole for filling a hole? It may squash some rabbits, but is it the pole's fault if it fits that hole?
- George Le Peron: But a pole is an inanimate object.
- Lucien Cordier: Aren't we all more or less inanimate?
- George Le Peron: What do you mean?
- Lucien Cordier: Who knows!”