“Crimson Peak” quotes

Movie Crimson Peak
Guillermo del Toro directed this movie in 2015
Title Crimson Peak
Year 2015
Director Guillermo del Toro
Genre Drama, Horror, Fantasy
Plot – Life for Edith Cushing takes place in a gloomy nineteenth-century England, in a menacing Victorian house lost in the northern rural countryside, where she is engaged in her work as an aspiring writer and torn between the love for two different people. In the aftermath of a family tragedy, the existence of the girl turns into a nightmare, whose obscure protagonists turn out to be her mysterious new husband and the house itself, which overwhelms her with its most fearful memories.
All actors – Mia Wasikowska, Jessica Chastain, Tom Hiddleston, Charlie Hunnam, Jim Beaver, Burn Gorman, Leslie Hope, Doug Jones, Jonathan Hyde, Bruce Gray, Emily Coutts, Alec Stockwell, Brigitte Robinson, Gillian Ferrier, Tamara Hope, Kimberly-Sue Murray, Sofia Wells, Joanna Douglas, Bill Lake, Jim Watson, Javier Botet, Peter Spence, Danny Waugh, Sean Hewitt, William Healy, Matia Jackett, Karen Glave, Khadijah Roberts-Abdullah, John Carter Craig, Martin Julien, Brian Kaulback, Richard Kerr, Shane McPherson, Tim Blake, Thomas Dorey, Erik Bauersfeld, Joan Washington, Beatrice Basso, Mitzi McCall, Susanne Blakeslee, Drew Davis, T.J. McGibbon, Anneliese Goldman, Jenna Weir, , Cyndy Day, Stephen K. Donnelly, Corgand Janeway-Svendsen, Malcolm McKenzie, Myrna Moretti, Justin Moses, Daryn Pancer, Amanda Smith, Laura Waddell
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