“Dead Man Walking” quotes

Movie Dead Man Walking
Tim Robbins directed this movie in 1995
Title Dead Man Walking
Year 1995
Director Tim Robbins
Genre Crime, Drama
Plot – In Louisiana, the young Matthew Poncelet is sentenced to death. He writes to Sister Helen Prejean to privately talk to her. With the friend Carl Vitello, the guy killed a couple in the wood. Vitello avoided the death penalty thanks to good lawyers, while Matthew wasn’t successful. Sister Helen gets ready for the unexpected mission. Matthew is scornful, but actually he is desperate and, after few days with the nun, he has a deep crisis.
All actors – Susan Sarandon, Sean Penn, Robert Prosky, Raymond J. Barry, R. Lee Ermey, Celia Weston, Lois Smith, Scott Wilson, Roberta Maxwell, Margo Martindale, Barton Heyman, Steve Boles, Nesbitt Blaisdell, Ray Aranha, Larry Pine, Gil Robbins, Kevin Cooney, Clancy Brown, Adele Robbins, Michael Cullen, Peter Sarsgaard, Missy Yager, Jenny Krochmal, Jack Black, Jon Abrahams, Arthur Bridgers, Steve Carlisle, Helen Hester, Eva Amurri Martino, Jack Henry Robbins, Gary 'Buddy' Boe, Amy Long, Dennis Neal, Molly Bryant, Pamela Garmon, Adrian Colon, John D. Wilmot, Margaret Lane, Sally Ann Roberts, Alec Gifford, John Hurlbutt, Mike Longman, Pete Burris, Joan Glover, Florrie Hathorn, Lenore Banks, Idella Cassamier, Marlon Horton, Kenitra Singleton, Palmer Jackson, Johnathan Thomas, Walter Breaux Jr., Scott Sowers, Cortez Nance Jr., Adam Nelson, Dalvin Ford, Derek Steeley, Jeremy Knaster, Mary Robbins, Miles Robbins, Marcus Lyle Brown, Joanna Doherty, Anthony Michael Frederick, Rawleigh Moreland, Helen Prejean, Codie Scott
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  • - Sister Helen Prejean: What he was involved with was evil. I don't condone it. I just don't see the sense of killing people to say that killing people's wrong.
    - Guard #1: You know what the Bible say, "An eye for an eye".
    - Sister Helen Prejean: You know what else the Bible ask for death as a punishment? For adultery, prostitution,... (continue)
    (continue reading)

    Susan Sarandon - Sister Helen Prejean
    Walter Breaux Jr. - Guard #1
  • “The death penalty. It's nothin' new; it's been with us for centuries. We've buried people alive; lopped off their heads with an axe; burned them alive at a public square... gruesome spectacles. In this century, we kept searchin' for more and more humane ways... of killin' people that we didn't like. We've shot 'em with firing squads; suffocated...” (continue)(continue reading)

    Robert Prosky - Hilton Barber
  • “- Sister Helen Prejean: You are a son of God.
    - Matthew Poncelet: Thank you. I've never been called a son of God before. I've been called a son of a you-know-what plenty of times, but I've never been called a son of God.”

    Susan Sarandon - Sister Helen Prejean
    Sean Penn - Matthew Poncelet
    [Tag:god, insult]
  • “We put 'em to death just like an old horse. His face just, goes to sleep, while, inside, his organs are going through armageddon. The muscles of his face would twist, and contort, and pull, but you see, shot number one relaxes all those muscles so we don't have to see any horror show... We don't have to taste the blood of revenge on our lips,...” (continue)(continue reading)

    Robert Prosky - Hilton Barber
  • “- Matthew Poncelet: I like rebels. Some blacks is ok. Martin Luther King, he led his people all the way to DC and kicked the white man's butt.
    - Sister Helen Prejean: You respect Martin Luther King?
    - Matthew Poncelet: He put up a fight. He wasn't lazy.”

    Sean Penn - Matthew Poncelet
    Susan Sarandon - Sister Helen Prejean
  • “- Matthew Poncelet: Mr. Delacroix, I don't wanna leave this world with any hate in my heart. I ask your forgiveness for what I done. It was a terrible thing I done, taking your son away from you.
    - Clyde Percy: How about us?
    - Matthew Poncelet: Mr. and Mrs. Percy, I hope my death gives you some relief.”

    Sean Penn - Matthew Poncelet
    R. Lee Ermey - Clyde Percy
  • “I want the last face you see in this world to be the face of love, so you look at me when they do this thing. I'll be the face of love for you.”

    Susan Sarandon - Sister Helen Prejean
  • “My wife filed for divorce this afternoon. We just have different ways to deal with our son's death. Until death do us part.”
    Raymond J. Barry - Earl Delacroix
    [Tag:divorce, grief, loss]
  • “I never gave a ticket to a nun before. I gave a ticket to a guy from the IRS one time. Got audited the next year. I'll tell you what, this time I'll let this one slide, but keep your speed down, yeah?”

    Clancy Brown - State Trooper
  • “We have developed a device that is the most humane of all. Lethal injection. We strap the guy up. We anesthetize him with shot number one; then we give him shot number two, and that implodes his lungs, and shot number three stops... his heart.”

    Robert Prosky - Hilton Barber
  • “- Sister Helen Prejean: Show me some respect, Matthew.
    - Matthew Poncelet: Why? 'Cause you're a nun?
    - Sister Helen Prejean: Because I'm a person.”

    Susan Sarandon - Sister Helen Prejean
    Sean Penn - Matthew Poncelet
    [Tag:nuns, people, respect]
  • “Thank you for loving me.”

    Sean Penn - Matthew Poncelet
    [Tag:gratitude, love]
  • “- Clyde Percy: How can you stand next to him?
    - Sister Helen Prejean: Mr. Percy, I'm just trying to follow the example of Jesus, who said that a person is not as bad as his worst deed.
    - Clyde Percy: This is not a person. This is an animal.”

    R. Lee Ermey - Clyde Percy
    Susan Sarandon - Sister Helen Prejean
  • “It's not faith, it's work.”
    Susan Sarandon - Sister Helen Prejean
    [Tag:faith, job]
  • “Only three days left. Plenty of time to read my Bible and look for a loophole.”

    Sean Penn - Matthew Poncelet
    [Tag:bible, death]
  • “A mother's arms are strong when her child is in danger.”
    Lois Smith - Helen's Mother
    [Tag:danger, hugs, mother]