“Deadly Friend” quotes

Movie Deadly Friend
Wes Craven directed this movie in 1986
Title Deadly Friend
Year 1986
Director Wes Craven
Genre Drama, Sci-Fi, Horror, Thriller
All actors – Matthew Labyorteaux, Kristy Swanson, Michael Sharrett, Anne Twomey, Anne Ramsey, Richard Marcus, Russ Marin, Lee Paul, Andrew Roperto, Charles Fleischer, Robin Nuyen, Frank Cavestani
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  • “Sam. Listen to me. We can get help. Do you know Dr. Johanson? He can help us. Sam, please.”

    Matthew Labyorteaux - Paul Conway
    [Tag:helping, optimism]
  • “- Neighbor: Old man Pringle and Mrs. Parker, both dead. His face was burned off.
    - Paul Conway: Elvira Parker?
    - Neighbor: Yeah, I heard somebody say she called the police. Said she saw Sam in her bedroom window. From what I hear, Elvira's head's all over the walls in there.”

    Tom Spratley - Neighbor
    Matthew Labyorteaux - Paul Conway
    [Tag:death, murder]
  • “- Jeannie Conway: Don't you think someone should say something?
    - Samantha Pringle: For what, a nosebleed? I've had them since I was a kid. Ice will take care of it. I just forgot to fill the tray.
    - Jeannie Conway: Sam, I don't like this.
    - Samantha Pringle: I hate them.
    - Jeannie Conway: You know what I mean. It's criminal. He could go to...” (continue)
    (continue reading)

    Anne Twomey - Jeannie Conway
    Kristy Swanson - Samantha Pringle