“Dinner at Eight” quotes
George Cukor
directed this movie
in 1933
Title Dinner at Eight
Year 1933
Director George Cukor
Genre Drama, Comedy
Year 1933
Director George Cukor
Genre Drama, Comedy
Plot – An old ship owner, head of a famous company, is in serious financial troubles and he's forced to ask help to a shady businessman. This man has gained popularity through dishonest means and has a beautiful wife. The old ship owner has a young daughter who's engaged to a nice guy but she's in love with an alcoholic old actor. The ship owner organizes a lunch and invites everyone, but the man suffers a severe attack of angina. Finally the businessman lends him the money and the girl decides to marry her young boyfriend.
All actors – Marie Dressler, John Barrymore, Wallace Beery, Jean Harlow, Lionel Barrymore, Lee Tracy, Edmund Lowe, Billie Burke, Madge Evans, Jean Hersholt, Karen Morley, Louise Closser Hale
show all“Dinner at Eight” Quotes 25 quotes
“- Kitty Packard: Do you know that the guy says that machinery is going to take the place of every profession?
- Carlotta Vance: Oh, my dear, that's something you need never worry about.”“There are other things important. You're a kid of nineteen. You're nineteen and I'm forty-sev... I'm almost forty.”
“- Hattie Loomis: All my life I've wanted to be a Penthouse girl.
- Ed Loomis: You'd be good at that.”“I can't go and eat his dinner. If he's a sucker, that's his funeral.”
“That slug never wants to meet any refined people.”
Ed hates anything that keeps him from going to the movies every night. I guess I'm what's called a "Garbo widow".
“You're through in pictures and plays and vaudeville and radio and everything. You're a corpse, and you don't know it. Go get yourself buried!”
“- Dan Packard: Do you know why I'm going to Washington tonight? Because the President wants to consult me about the affairs of the nation. That's why.
- Kitty Packard: What's the matter with them?
- Dan Packard: Everything's the matter with them. That's why he's sending for me.”“They named everything after me: cigars, racehorses, perfumes, battleships!”
“Nothing can be done. That's the unfortunate thing about death. It's so terribly final. Even the young can't do anything about it.”
“- Dan Packard: So, you'd make a sucker out of me?
- Kitty Packard: Well, I certainly ain't trying to make a gentleman out of you. But, I'm gonna be a lady if it kills me.”“After I picked you out of the gutter, this is the thanks that I get. Thank you.”
“- Dan Packard: Remember what I told you last week?
- Kitty Packard: I don't remember what you told me a minute ago.”“- Kitty Packard: Once in our life we get asked to a classy house and I got a new dress that will knock their eye out and we're going!
- Dan Packard: We're not going!”“Doctor Talbot says that you're an extrovert and I'm an introvert.”
“You never come and see me anymore unless I send for you.”
“- Kitty Packard: That's why I gotta be quiet a good deal and have time to reflect in.
- Dan Packard: Reflect in? What have you got to reflect about? I have to think and act at the same time!”“- Oliver Jordan: International star returns to stage...
- Carlotta Vance: Never! I'll have my double chins in privacy.”