“Double Jeopardy” quotes
Bruce Beresford
directed this movie
in 1999
Title Double Jeopardy
Year 1999
Director Bruce Beresford
Genre Drama, Crime, Thriller, Mystery
Year 1999
Director Bruce Beresford
Genre Drama, Crime, Thriller, Mystery
Plot – Libby has a rich and attractive husband, a beloved son and a beautiful house, but the man disappears during a romantic weekend and Libby is accused of his murder. In prison she prays her best friend to adopt her son. She accepts but then she disappears as well with the child. After six years, Libby gains probation and manages to escape.
All actors – Tommy Lee Jones, Ashley Judd, Benjamin Weir, Jay Brazeau, Bruce Greenwood, John Maclaren, Ed Evanko, Annabeth Gish, Bruce Campbell, Brennan Elliott, Angela Schneider, Michael Gaston
show all“Double Jeopardy” Quotes 15 quotes
“I always said there was good money in tomatoes.”
“- Mangold: Lehman, the thing is, every now and again, we all want to believe in something, but we just keep forgetting that 99.9 percent of the time, life just flat don't work out.
- Travis: I hadn't thought of that, Mangold. Thanks. I feel a lot better now.”“- Nick: Aren't you gonna do something?
- Travis: What are you talkin' to me for? She's the one with the gun.”“- Libby: I don't know if I've ever been so scared in my whole life. I think a big part of me never thought I'd really find him. What if he doesn't recognize me? I mean, maybe after all this time...
- Travis: Dammit, woman! Because of you, I have lost a perfectly good used car, and a not-so-good job. If you don't go to this kid right now, I'm...” (continue)(continue reading)“- Mangold: Mr. Lehman, I'd love to be able to help you, sir.
- Travis: No, I don't want you guys to go to any trouble. I can handle matters. I just came down as a professional courtesy, since she's in New Orleans, and came here to kill one of your prominent citizens.
- Mangold: And just how is she planning on doing that?
- Travis: I don't know....” (continue)(continue reading)- Libby: I feel like I've grown these past six years.
- Margaret: "Grown"? Honey, they don't want to hear that you've turned into some kind of tree, okay? So you just repeat after me, "If I could trade places with my husband, I would".
- Libby: Ugh. "If I could trade places with my husband, I would".
- Evelyn: That's good. Now, throw in a lot of... (continue)(continue reading)“- Margaret: Put some elbow grease behind that stirring. Nobody wants to eat any burnt tapioca.
- Libby: Does it smell like it's burning?
- Margaret: Oh, I swear you got shit for brains, girl.”“- Evelyn: Hey, take it easy. We're your new best friends.
- Margaret: Heard you did your husband. He probably deserved it.
- Evelyn: Mine did.”Pay attention, because this is the best goddamn advice you're ever gonna get. Ever hear of something called double jeopardy? Fifth Amendment to the constitution? Huh? No? Well, double jeopardy provides that "no person may be tried for the same crime twice". You got that? Keep stirrin'. The state says you already killed your husband. They can't... (continue)(continue reading)
“- Nick: They're tough in Louisiana, Libby. You shoot me, they'll give you the gas chamber.
- Libby: No they won't. It's called double jeopardy. I learned a few things in prison, Nick. I could shoot you in the middle of Mardi Gras and they can't touch me.
- Travis: As an ex-law professor, I can assure you she is right.”“- Prosecutor: Mrs. Parsons, you've heard the testimony be presented to this court, and your explanation is that somebody must have come aboard the Morning Star.
- Libby: That's right.
- Prosecutor: Well, let's consider all the possibilities. Maybe a band of pirates. Or aliens! Did aliens murder your husband? No. Aliens weren't beneficiaries in...” (continue)(continue reading)“You cannot know what it is like to sit in prison for six years and think of nothing else in the world but your son.”
“- Travis: You think I'm a mean son of a bitch?
- Libby: I think you could have given her a second chance.
- Travis: There are no second chances in this house, baby. This is the last chance house! You try to understand that.”