“Election” quotes
Alexander Payne
directed this movie
in 1999
Title Election
Year 1999
Director Alexander Payne
Genre Drama, Comedy, Romance
Year 1999
Director Alexander Payne
Genre Drama, Comedy, Romance
Plot – Jim McAllister is a very popular teacher and the student council advisor too. After being nominated "Teacher of the Year" three times in the last twelve years, he's ready to begin it all again. Jim wants to win the school's elections to stop Tracy Flick's ambition, who thinks high school is merely the first step to a successful career. Tracy desires to become the president of the student council as well while and to contrast her McAllister proposes Paul Metzler for president. The duel between them is made even more interesting by a third wheel, Tammy, Paul's marginalized sister.
All actors – Matthew Broderick, Reese Witherspoon, Chris Klein, Jessica Campbell, Mark Harelik, Phil Reeves, Molly Hagan, Delaney Driscoll, Colleen Camp, Frankie Ingrassia, Matt Malloy, Jeanine Jackson
show all“Election” Quotes 21 quotes
“- Dave Novotny: She inspires me in ways that Linda never has. She even wants to read my novel.
- Jim McAllister: But you haven't written your novel.
- Dave Novotny: That's the whole point! I've got the whole thing right here, I just need to get it out there. And Tracy wants me to write it so she can read it. It's beautiful.”“Being suspended is like getting a paid vacation. Why do they think it's a punishment? It's like your dog pees on the carpet and you give him a treat. Then you get in trouble for skipping school, it's so stupid!”
“- Jim McAllister: Let's say all you ever knew were apples. Apples, apples, and more apples. You might think apples were pretty good, even if you got a rotten one every once in a while. But then one day... there's an orange. And now you can make a decision, do you want an apple or do you want an orange? That's democracy.
- Paul Metzler: I also...” (continue)(continue reading)“They don't ever have to work for anything. They think they can just, all of a sudden, one day out of the blue, waltz right in with no qualifications whatsoever and try to take away what other people have worked for very hard for their entire lives!”
“I believe in the voters. They understand that elections aren't just popularity contests. They know this country was built by people just like me who work very hard and don't have everything handed to them on a silver spoon.”
“Who cares about this stupid election? We all know it doesn't matter who gets elected president of Carver. Do you really think it's going to change anything around here? Make one single person smarter or happier or nicer? The only person it does matter to is the one who gets elected. The same pathetic charade happens every year, and everyone...” (continue)(continue reading)
“Old or young, we all make mistakes. And we have to learn that our actions, all of them, can carry serious consequences.”
“You can't interfere with destiny, that's why it's destiny. And if you try to interfere, the same thing's just going to happen anyway, and you'll just suffer.”
“Larry, we're not electing the fucking Pope here. Just tell me who won.”
“The weak are always trying to sabatoge the strong.”
“What happens to a man when he loses everything? Everything he's worked for, everything he believes in? Driven from his home, cast out of society. How can he survive? Where can he go? New York City! For centuries people have come to New York seeking refuge from their troubled lives.”
“I feel sorry for Mr. McAllister. I mean, anyone who's stuck in the same little room, wearing the same stupid clothes, saying the exact same things year after year for his whole life, while his students go on to good colleges, move to big cities and do great things and make loads of money... He's got to be at least a little jealous.”
“You're a very intelligent girl. You have a lot of admirable qualities. But one day maybe you'll learn that being smart and doing whatever you need to do to get ahead, and stepping on other people to get there... well, there's a whole lot more to life than that. And in the end you're only cheating yourself.”
“- Jim McAllister: There's one more thing about Tracy I think you should know.
- Dave Novotny: Her pussy gets so wet you can't believe it.”“The sight of Tracy at that moment affected me in a way I can't fully explain. Part of it was that she was spying, but mostly it was her face. Who knew how high she would climb in life? How many people would suffer because of her?”