“Fandango” quotes

Movie Fandango
Kevin Reynolds directed this movie in 1985
Title Fandango
Year 1985
Director Kevin Reynolds
Genre Comedy, Drama
Interpreted by
Plot – 1971. A group of American undergraduates is celebrating Kenneth Waggener's stag party. As he announces he has to enlist into the army, the wedding is canceled. Gardner Barnes has to enlist too but he's thinking to slip away. Together with Phil Nicks, Dorman and Lester, the group decides to make a long trip to Texas to have fun and heads to Dallas, Judy's hometown. Kenneth's friends think the wedding has to be celebrated. During the trip the guys face incidents and adventures and Gardner generously pays a pilot to pick up the bride. For a while Vietnam seems less threatening.
All actors – Kevin Costner, Judd Nelson, Sam Robards, Chuck Bush, Brian Cesak, Marvin J. McIntyre, Suzy Amis, Glenne Headly, Pepe Serna, Elizabeth Daily, Robyn Rose, Stanley Grover, Jane A. Johnston, Don Brunner, Michael Conn, Michael Maxwell Katz, Dana Halsted, Karl A. Wickman, Michael M. Vendrell, Bill Warren, Bill Evridge, Margaret Nelson, Manley Adams, Ken Fagen, Bill Silver, Ben Graham, Jewel Watson, Allan Keown, , Marco Perella
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