“Fighting with My Family” quotes
All actors – Dwayne Johnson, Thomas Whilley, Tori Ellen Ross, Nick Frost, Lena Headey, Florence Pugh, Jack Lowden, Olivia Bernstone, Leah Harvey, Mohammad Amiri, Christine Ozanne, Grace Link, Hannah Dodd, Jack Gouldbourne, Elroy Powell, Hannah Rae, Julia Davis, Stephen Merchant, Vince Vaughn, Ellie Gonsalves, Aqueela Zoll, Kim Matula, Roy Knight, Brendon Burns, Ciaran Dowd, Josh Myers, James Burrows, Zak Knight, Thea Trinidad, Paul Wight, Stephen Farrelly, John Cena, Rod Zapata, Darrell Allen, Samantha Allen, Samantha Alleyne, James Atkins, Bellevedere Ballantyne, Lee Balls, Nickolaus Barnes, Sonny Branson, Joseph Carolan, Toby Clements, Cassius Cupid, Alex Decunha, James 'JD Knight' Dunn, Joshua Faulkner, Jerome Fleisch, Lucy Garland, Rishi Ghosh, Scott Gibson, Gareth Harris, Alexander Holland, Nathan Irwin, Jonathan Jules, Martin Kelly, James Kiddie, Simon James Kippen, Jon Kocel, Andrew Kybett, Chelsea Labadini, Rishpal Singh Landa, Matt Lanes, Folakemi Lawal, Robin Lekime, Harry Lynch-Bowers, Erin Marshall, Adam Flex Maxted, Barry McGiven, Robert McLanachan, Dave Mastiff, Feizal Mowlabocus, Simon Musk, Matt Newton-Walters, James O'Hagan, Ian O'Keefe, Chuey Okoye, Constantinos Panayi, Paul Robinson, Jordan Rolfe, Ildar Safin, Janine Schnaars, Ashley Darkwood, Charlie Sterling, Justin Sysum, Aaron Waldrom, Sofia Abbasi, Chris Albright, Arianna Arias, Lasco Atkins, Saraya-Jade Bevis, Zak Bevis, Paul Blackwell, Jill Buchanan, Elizabeth Chihaia, Bern Collaço, Chloe Csengery, Shawn Dixon, Andrew Dunkelberger, Tyrone Emanuel, Adrian Grant, John Heartstone, Ruth Horrocks, Marty Jordan Knight, Ntiarna Xavier Knight, John Lobato, Obie Matthew, Kenny-Lee Mbanefo, Dylan Mitchell, Mike 'The Miz' Mizanin, Bryant Mudd, Sascha Panknin, Jacqueline Ramnarine, Guillaume Rivaud, Reuben Roper, Jimmy Ruggiero, Allen Sanders, Carlo Sciortino, Darrion Scoggins, Aaron Sharp, Natalie Shew, Daniella Smith, Karma Sood, Richard Stanley, Karol Steele, Fran Targ, Roy Martin Thorn, Ashley Ward, Chris Wilson, James Gray xxxx, Miroslav Zaruba
show all“Fighting with My Family” Quotes 6 quotes
“To be a WWE Superstar, you have to have two things. Number one: you gotta have the skills, and number two: you have to have the spark. Now, skills, that's obvious, right? You gotta be able to wrestle. The spark, well... that's the magic dust. It's what the audience falls in love with. It's why they buy your poster. It's why they come back every...” (continue)(continue reading)
“- Zak Knight: I didn't get her up the duff. It's known as an unplanned pregnancy.
- Ricky Knight: All pregnancies are unplanned, son.”“Dick me dead, and bury me pregnant.”
“Paige, I myself have come from a wrestling family too. I know exactly what it means to you. But don't worry about being the next me. Be the first you.”