“Fire and Ice” quotes
Title Fire and Ice
Year 1983
Director Ralph Bakshi
Genre Adventure, Fantasy, Animation
Year 1983
Director Ralph Bakshi
Genre Adventure, Fantasy, Animation
All actors – Randy Norton, Cynthia Leake, Steve Sandor, Sean Hannon, Leo Gordon, William Ostrander, Eileen O'Neill, Elizabeth Lloyd Shaw, Micky Morton, Tamarah Park, Big Yank, Greg Wayne Elam
show all“Fire and Ice” Quotes 17 quotes
“- Taro: To hell with Nekron and his offer. We are free men, not slaves.
- Subhuman: King Jarol, be reasonable.
- Jarol: My son, Taro, speaks more with his heart than with his head. But he speaks for all of us.
- Taro: There can be no alliance. We will fight you to the death.
- Subhuman: Perhaps, you will soon change your mind.”“- Teegra: Nekron, you're a great power in the world. You have all that any man ever wants or needed... and yet you despair. For there is one thing you lack - one gift that only you can bestow between our people. Peace. This is the gift that heals the heart of the giver. Nekron, I extend my hand in friendship. I offer peace between our people....” (continue)(continue reading)
“- Nekron: Why have you come seeking me?
- Larn: You killed my people.
- Nekron: We've had to dispose of so many undesirables of late.”“- Tutor: Princess Teegra, we all have our duty. Your father's duty is to be king and lead. Your brother's duty is to be a soldier. Your duty is to learn.
- Teegra: You mean my duty is to stay shut up... while all the men do the fighting and share all the glory. Well, we think that stinks. Don't we, Shaitan?”“- Subhuman: If you peacefully surrender, my Lord Nekron will cease the destruction of...
- Jarol: This is your message of peace? A demand for our total and unconditional surrender?
- Subhuman: We call it an offer of alliance, Your Majesty.
- Taro: I call it blackmail.”“- Larn: You've caught me, but you'll never hand me over to Nekron. You'll have to kill me first.
- Darkwolf: Don't hunt for death, boy. It finds us all soon enough.”“- Juliana: You have done well, my son. The North Village has fallen. We have won.
- Nekron: I want to thank you, Mother.
- Juliana: The Great Plain is all that stands between ourselves and Fire Keep.
- Nekron: That is a long distance.
- Juliana: A distance we may not have to travel. I am sending our envoys to Jarol with our new demands.”“Next time you present me with one of your little sluts, Mother dear... I'll squash you like a bug.”
“All matter in our world is from the natural bases, which are earth, air, fire and water; the four elements from which all things are created.”
“- Larn: Not so close, you'll burn it.
- Teegra: I've always lived close to a fire.”“I cannot offer peace to a people who have refused to proclaim me their rightful overlord. As to your sister, I must admit that until this moment the idea of mating with her filled me with loathing. Perhaps I should reconsider. Your sister, after all, is not wholly unattractive, as lesser beasts go.”
“- Jarol: I want you to go to Nekron, to his mother, Juliana. We must negotiate.
- Taro: With the enemy?
- Jarol: No man is wholly evil. Surely there is some way to appeal to Nekron.”