“Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” quotes
Howard Hawks
directed this movie
in 1953
Title Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
Year 1953
Director Howard Hawks
Genre Comedy, Musical, Crime
Year 1953
Director Howard Hawks
Genre Comedy, Musical, Crime
All actors – Jane Russell, Marilyn Monroe, Charles Coburn, Elliott Reid, Tommy Noonan, George Winslow, Marcel Dalio, Taylor Holmes, Norma Varden, Howard Wendell, Steven Geray, , David Ahdar, Alex Akimoff, Aladdin, Patricia Barker, Virginia Bates, Kip Behar, Steve Benton, Wallace Bickmore, Eumenio Blanco, Herman Boden, Julio Bonini, Jack Boyle, Paul Bradley, Harris Brown, Edward C. Browne, William Cabanne, Peter Camlin, Harry Carey Jr., Steve Carruthers, George Chakiris, Jack Chefe, John Close, Harold E. Coates, Robert Cole, Joan Collenette, Paul Cristo, Gene Dailey, Becky Davis, Drusilla Davis, George Davis, Jean De Briac, Charles De Ravenne, George Dee, Josette Deegan, Jean Del Val, Frank Dernhammer, Bobby Diamond, Deena Dikkers, Jack Dodds, Arthur Dulac, Adolph Faylauer, Bess Flowers, George Ford, Robert Foulk, Alex Frazer, Raoul Freeman, Joel Friend, Robert Fuller, Ed Fury, Kay Garrett, James Gonzalez, A. Cameron Grant, Bennett Green, Stanley Hall, Sam Harris, John Hedloe, Bill Hickman, Chuck Hicks, George Hoagland, Stuart Holmes, Casse Jaeger, Richard Kean, Dorothy Kellogg, Colin Kenny, Larry Kert, Tommy Ladd, Richard LaMarr, Judy Landon, Lisa Lang, Joan Larkin, Henri Letondal, Ray Long, Shirley Lopez, Herb Lurie, Warren Mace, Johnny Marlin, Alphonse Martell, Erin Martin, Matt Mattox, Reed Maxcy, Harold Miller, King Mojave, Ray Montgomery, Alvy Moore, Roger Moore, Donald Moray, Leo Mostovoy, Fred Moultrie, James Moultrie, Noel Neill, Robert Nichols, Ron Nyman, Monty O'Grady, Gayle Pace, Alfred Paix, Stephen Papich, Ralph Peters, Manuel Petroff, Joe Ploski, Frank Radcliffe, Ellen Ray, Steve Reeves, Barry Regan, Jack Regas, Mel Robin, John Robinson, Don M. Rosenstock, James H. Russell, Loulette Sablon, Rolfe Sedan, Harry Seymour, Peggy Smith, Roberta Stevenson, Robert Street, F. Philip Sylvestre, Charles Tannen, Marlina Tepel, Lee Theodore, Arthur Tovey, Tyra Vaughn, Ray Weaver, Dick Wessel, Leo Wheeler, Marc Wilder, Max Willenz, Don Wilson, James Young
show all“Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” Quotes 13 quotes
“Don't you know that a man being rich is like a girl being pretty? You wouldn't marry a girl just because she's pretty, but my goodness, doesn't it help?”
“Dorothy, please, a lady never admits her feet hurt.”
“In bed by nine? That's when life just begins!”
“Diamonds are a girl's best friend.”
“I think you're the only girl in the world who can stand on a stage with a spotlight in her eye and still see a diamond inside a man's pocket.”
“- Mr. Esmond Sr.: Say, they told me you were stupid! You don't sound stupid to me!
- Lorelei Lee: I can be smart when it's important.”“I like a man who can run faster than I can.”