“GoldenEye” quotes
Martin Campbell
directed this movie
in 1995
Title GoldenEye
Year 1995
Director Martin Campbell
Genre Crime, Thriller, Action
Year 1995
Director Martin Campbell
Genre Crime, Thriller, Action
Plot – After detonating a Russian chemical factory, James Bond is directed to Monte Carlo where Xenia Onatopp, who works for General Ourumov, has stolen the satellite system 'Goldeneye', a device which can launch missiles on the planet. The missile base Severnaya is conquered and the staff is murdered. Only the programmers Natalya Simonova and Boris Grishenko survive. James Bond has to track the stolen system now. He's caputred by his enemies and tied up on an helicopter with Natalya, but the two manage to escape. Bond chases then Ourumov with a tank and stops even Janos, who now works with Ourumov. Finally Bond has to travel to the Caribbean, in search of the second 'Goldeneye' device.
All actors – Pierce Brosnan, Sean Bean, Izabella Scorupco, Famke Janssen, Joe Don Baker, Judi Dench, Robbie Coltrane, Gottfried John, Alan Cumming, Tchéky Karyo, Desmond Llewelyn, Samantha Bond, Michael Kitchen, Serena Gordon, Simon Kunz, Pavel Douglas, Olivier Lajous, Billy J. Mitchell, Constantine Gregory, Minnie Driver, Michelle Arthur, Ravil Isyanov, Vladimir Milanovich, Trevor Byfield, Peter Majer, Paul Bannon, Martin Campbell, Simon Crane, Terrance Denville, Max Faulkner, Juliet Forester, Derek Lyons, Wayne Michaels, Bhasker Patel, Paul Sacks, Michael G. Wilson
show all“GoldenEye” Quotes 25 quotes
“- James Bond: I'm alone.
- Alec Trevelyan: Aren't we all?”“- James Bond: It's too easy.
- Alec Trevelyan: Half of everything is luck, James.
- James Bond: And the other half?
- Alec Trevelyan: Fate!”“- Xenia Onatopp: Enjoy it while it lasts.
- James Bond: The very words I live by.”“- Dimitri Mishkin: Good morning, Mr. Bond. Sit. I'm Defense Minister Dimitri Mishkin. So, by what means shall we execute you, Commander Bond?
- James Bond: What, no small-talk? No chit-chat? That's the trouble with the world today. No one takes the time to do a really sinister interrogation anymore. It's a lost art.”“- Caroline: Stop this car at once!
- James Bond: As you can see, I have no problem with female authority.
- Caroline: James, you're incorrigible. What am I going to do with you?
- James Bond: Well, let's toast to your evaluation, shall we? A very, thorough, evaluation.”“- James Bond: What would I ever do without you?
- Moneypenny: As far as I can remember, James, you've never had me.
- James Bond: Hope springs eternal.”“- James Bond: He'll betray you! Just like everyone else.
- Colonel Ourumov: Is this true?
- Alec Trevelyan: What's true is that in 48 hours you and I will have more money than God. And Mr. Bond here will have a small memorial service with only Moneypenny and a few tearful restaurateurs in attendance.”“Governments change... the lies stay the same.”
“- M: You don't like me, Bond. You don't like my methods. You think I'm an accountant, a bean counter more interested in my numbers than your instincts.
- James Bond: The thought had occurred to me.
- M: Good, because I think you're a sexist, misogynist dinosaur. A relic of the Cold War, whose boyish charms, though wasted on me, obviously...” (continue)(continue reading)“- Valentin Zukovsky: At the end of the war, they surrendered to the British, thinking they would help in waging war against the Communists. But, the British betrayed them, sent them back to Stalin, who promptly had them all shot. Women, children, entire families.
- James Bond: Not exactly our finest hour.
- Valentin Zukovsky: Still, ruthless...” (continue)(continue reading)- James Bond: Why?
- Alec Trevelyan: Hilarious question, particularly from you. Did you ever ask why? Why we toppled all those dictators, undermined all those regimes, only to come home: "Well done, good job, but sorry, old boy, everything you risked your life and limb for has changed".
- James Bond: It was the job we were chosen for.“- James Bond: Who is the competition?
- Jack Wade: Ah, an ex-KGB guy. Tough mother. Got a limp in his right leg. Name's Zukovsky.
- James Bond: Valentin Dmitrovitch Zukovsky?
- Jack Wade: Yeah, you know him?
- James Bond: I gave him the limp.”“- Alec Trevelyan: In 16 minutes and 43 sec, in 42 seconds, the United Kingdom will reenter the stone age.
- James Bond: A worldwide financial meltdown. And all so mad little Alec can settle a score with the world, 50 years on.
- Alec Trevelyan: Oh, please James, spare me the Freud. I might as well ask you for the vodka martinis that have...” (continue)(continue reading)“We're both orphans, James. But while your parents had the luxury of dying in a climbing accident, mine survived the British betrayal and Stalin's execution squads. My father couldn't let himself or my mother live with the shame. MI6 figured I was too young to remember. And in one of life's little ironies, the son went to work for the government...” (continue)(continue reading)
“- Natalya Simonova: Who are you?
- James Bond: I work for the British government. The more you tell me the more I can help you.”“- Q: Right. Now pay attention 007. First, your new car. BMW Agile 54 with gears. All points radar. Self destruct system. And, naturally, all the usual refinements. Now, this I'm particularly proud of - behind the headlights, stinger missiles!
- James Bond: Excellent, just the thing for unwinding after a rough day at the office.
- Q: Need I...” (continue)(continue reading)“- M: What else do we know about the Janus syndicate?
- James Bond: Top flight arms dealers headquartered in St. Petersburg. First outfit to restock the Iraqis during the Gulf War. The head man's unreliably described. No photographs. The woman, Onatopp, is our only confirmed contact.”“- Jack Wade: Now, let me get this straight Jimmy, you shot him in the leg, you stole his car, you took his girl. And now you want Valentin Zukovsky to set you up with Janus?
- James Bond: Yes.
- Jack Wade: Well what are you going to do, appeal to his heart?
- James Bond: No, his wallet.”“- James Bond: You break into the Bank of England via computer, and transfer the money electronically. Just minutes before you set off the GoldenEye, which erases any trace of the transactions. Ingenious.
- Alec Trevelyan: Thank you, James.
- James Bond: But still, it boils down to petty theft. In the end, you're just a bank robber. Nothing more...” (continue)(continue reading)“I did think about asking you to join my little scheme but somehow I knew, 007's loyalty was always to the mission, never to his friend.”
“- Natalya Simonova: You think I'm impressed? All of you with your guns, your killing, your death. For what? So you can be a hero? All the heroes I know are dead. How can you act like this? How can you be so cold?
- James Bond: It's what keeps me alive.
- Natalya Simonova: No. It's what keeps you alone.”