“Gregory's Girl” quotes
(1980)Title Gregory's Girl
Year 1980
Director Bill Forsyth
Genre Drama, Comedy, Romance
Year 1980
Director Bill Forsyth
Genre Drama, Comedy, Romance
Plot – In his new Scottish home in New Town, Gregory and his classmates begin to take an interest in girls. Gregory likes Dorothy because, among other reasons, she is definitely a better football player than him. Eventually he finds the courage to ask her out.
All actors – John Gordon Sinclair, Dee Hepburn, Jake D'Arcy, Clare Grogan, Robert Buchanan, Billy Greenlees, Alan Love, Caroline Guthrie, Carol Macartney, Douglas Sannachan, Allison Forster, Chic Murray
show all“Gregory's Girl” Quotes 12 quotes
“Hard work being in love, eh? Especially when you don't know which girl it is.”
“There's definitely something in the air tonight, Charlie. That's three women in a row he's had.”
“In another million years, there'll be no men, no women. There'll just be people. Just a whole world full of wankers.”
“At least you've stopped kissing me like I was your aunty.”
“Men. Boys. What's the difference?”
“- Carol: Can you drive?
- Gregory: No, but it runs in the family.”“All that fuss over a bit of tit.”
“That Dorothy... the hair, the teeth, and the smell.”
“- Dorothy: Parliamo italiano?
- Gregory: No, not really. Just bella, bella.”