“Guilty by Suspicion” quotes
(1991)“Guilty by Suspicion” Quotes 7 quotes
“She was a good wife, a good mother, and you're responsible for her death. She was falsely accused, she couldn't get work, her son was taken away from her - all because of this committee. In the name of ridding the world of Communism, you destroyed her life.”
“I inform on these people, they lose their jobs, they lose their... everything.”
“I'm a filmmaker. That's all I am, I don't know what else to do. What the hell do they think I'm gonna do? Blow all the bridges if the Red Army comes invading Manhattan?”
“You asked me how I'm doing. You wanna know how I'm doing? I can't get a job.. All my friends? Gone. I'm being followed by the FBI everywhere I go. I lost my house. I can't even buy my son a bike for Christmas.”
“Upset? Why should I be upset? You've only ruined my life. Why should I be upset?”
“I might not be the best citizen in this country, but I was raised to stand up for what I believe in, and I'm going to raise my son in the same way, and as hard as that is sometimes, I'm gonna try to live it, and if that isn't what a real American is, then we've failed!”