“Hamburger: The Motion Picture” quotes

Movie Hamburger: The Motion Picture
Title Hamburger: The Motion Picture
Year 1986
Director Mike Marvin
Genre Comedy
All actors – Leigh McCloskey, Dick Butkus, Randi Brooks, Chuck McCann, Jack Blessing, Charles Tyner, Debra Blee, Sandy Hackett, John William Young, Chip McAllister, Barbara Whinnery, Maria Richwine
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  • “We reserve the right to refuse service to assholes like you.”

    Charles Tyner - Lyman Vunk
  • “- Fred Domino: Who ordered 60 double Buster Burgers?
    - Magneto Jones: That fat motherfucker right there. Them two giggling twin motherfuckers right there. And that skinny walnut headed right there ordered 72.”

    Sandy Hackett - Fred Domino
    Chip McAllister - Magneto Jones
    [Tag:faults, food, insult]