“Hannibal” quotes
Sir Ridley Scott
directed this movie
in 2001
Title Hannibal
Year 2001
Director Ridley Scott
Genre Drama, Crime, Thriller
Year 2001
Director Ridley Scott
Genre Drama, Crime, Thriller
Plot – Seven years have passed since Dr. Hannibal Lecter has escaped surveillance and ten years since FBI Agent Clarice Starling has interviewed him in the institute of maximum security. Lecter is now at large in Europe where he pursues his interests, savoring smells and tastes of a world without bars. Starling has never forgotten her meeting with Dr. Lecter, whose cold voice still echoes in her nightmares. Even Mason Verger remembers Dr. Lecter and he's obsessed with revenge: he's been Lecter sixth victim and despite he has survived the doctor's attack, now he's horribly disfigured. Verger soon realizes that to attract the doctor he must use a lure to which Lecter cannot resist: Clarice Starling herself.
All actors – Anthony Hopkins, Julianne Moore, Gary Oldman, Ray Liotta, Frankie Faison, Giancarlo Giannini, Francesca Neri, Zeljko Ivanek, Hazelle Goodman, David Andrews, Francis Guinan, James Opher, Enrico Lo Verso, Ivano Marescotti, Fabrizio Gifuni, Alex Corrado, Marco Greco, Robert Rietty, Terry Serpico, Boyd Kestner, Peter Shaw, Kent Linville, Don McManus, Harold Ginn, Ted Koch, William Powell-Blair, Aaron Craig, Andrea Piedimonte, Ennio Coltorti, Ian Iwataki, Mark Margolis, Ajay Naidu, Kelly Piper, Bruce MacVittie, Giannina Facio, Andrew C. Boothby, Kenneth W. Smith, Judie Aronson, Tom Trigo, Sam Wells, Ricardo Miguel Young, Joseph M. West Jr., Roberta Armani, Johannes Kiebranz, Bruno Lazzaretti, Danielle de Niese, Ray Bullock, Heidi Burger, Robert Randolph Caton, Douglas Crosby, Renne Gjoni, Gano Grills, Jamie Harrold, Chuck Jeffreys, Cal Johnson, Raymond H. Johnson, Rick Kain, Jalil Jay Lynch, Phil Neilson, Frank Principe, Franco Maria Salamon, Derrick Simmons, Brian Smyj, Sebastiano Somma, Anthony Wanzer, Gus Williams
show all“Hannibal” Quotes 22 quotes
“People don't always tell you what they are thinking. They just see to it that you don't advance in life.”
“There is nothing I would love more in the world than to chat with you.”
“If you touch me, I'll shoot you.”
“- Hannibal Lecter: Have you met my friend Mason Verger?
- Clarice Starling: Yes.
- Hannibal Lecter: Face to face, so to speak?
- Clarice Starling: Face to face.
- Hannibal Lecter: Attractive, isn't he?”“- Barney: Do you ever think he might come after you? You ever think about him at all?
- Clarice Starling: Well, at least thirty seconds of everyday. I can't help it. He's always with me, like a bad habit.”“I have followed with enthusiasm the course of your disgrace and public shaming.”
“- Allegra Pazzi: Dr. Fell, do you believe a man could become so obsessed with a woman, from a single encounter?
- Hannibal Lecter: Could he daily feel a stab of hunger for her and find nourishment in the very sight of her? I think so. But would she see through the bars of his plight and ache for him?”“- Mason Verger: So what do you think, Cordell? Does Lecter want to fuck her or kill her or eat or what?
- Cordell Doemling: Probably all three, though I wouldn't want to predict in what order.”“- Hannibal Lecter: Given the chance, you would deny me my life, wouldn't you?
- Clarice Starling: Not your life.
- Hannibal Lecter: Just my freedom.”“- Clarice Starling: Do right, and you'll live through this.
- Hannibal Lecter: Spoken like a true protestant.”“As your mother tells you, and my mother certainly told me, it is important always to try new things.”
“I have immunity from the Justice Department, and I have immunity from the Risen Jesus.”
“When the fox hears the rabbit scream he comes running, but not to help.”
“- Mason Verger: I guess now you wish you would have fed the rest of me to the dogs.
- Hannibal Lecter: No, Mason, I much prefer you the way you are.”“If you can't be polite to your guests, you have to sit at the kiddies' table.”
“Mason Verger doesn't want to kill me any more than I want to kill him. He just wants to see me suffer in some unimaginable way.”
“- Paul Krendler: What are you doing sitting in the dark, Starling?
- Clarice Starling: Thinkin' about cannibalism.”