“Heartbreak Hotel” quotes
Chris Columbus
directed this movie
in 1988
Title Heartbreak Hotel
Year 1988
Director Chris Columbus
Genre Comedy, Musical, Romance
Year 1988
Director Chris Columbus
Genre Comedy, Musical, Romance
Plot – A boy kidnaps Elvis Presley in order to help his depressed mother. The woman in fact is a great fan of Elvis but the entire family is upset by the event.
All actors – David Keith, Tuesday Weld, Charlie Schlatter, Angela Goethals, Jacque Lynn Colton, Chris Mulkey, Karen Landry, Tudor Sherrard, Paul J. Harkins, Noel Derecki, Dana Barron, T. Graham Brown
show all“Heartbreak Hotel” Quotes 4 quotes
“Son, you're talking to Elvis Presley! Do I look like a dating service?”
“You're kissing the same ass you used to kick.”
“- Elvis Presley: Maybe I oughtta go back to the old way of doing things. Really rock 'em again!
- Jerry Schilling: Hell, you can't afford to take a chance like that, E. What about your image?
- Elvis Presley: Can't afford it? Man, when I was broke I could afford to do anything I wanted! Now I'm a millionaire. Can't afford to do a damned thing.”“- Elvis Presley: When I first met you, I didn't like you at all. I thought you were the most arrogant, selfish, ungrateful little bastard I'd ever met. Then I started to remember how much I was like that at your age.
- Johnny Wolfe: Elvis, man. What happened at the talent show - thanks. I know you did that for me.
- Elvis Presley: Hell no, kid....” (continue)(continue reading)