“Heavenly Creatures” quotes
Sir Peter Jackson
directed this movie
in 1994
Title Heavenly Creatures
Year 1994
Director Peter Jackson
Genre Drama, Crime, Biography, Fantasy
Year 1994
Director Peter Jackson
Genre Drama, Crime, Biography, Fantasy
Plot – New Zealand, 1952. A true story, based on the diary of one of the two protagonists. Juliet and Pauline are two fourteen-year-old classmates and have a pathological friendship. They rebel against the society's conformism and dullness that surround their lives and give free rein to their imaginations taking refuge in their little own fantasy world, contrary to their family's hypocrisy and to the school's formalism. When Pauline's mother threatens to separate them, the girl doesn't hesitate to kill her.
All actors – Melanie Lynskey, Kate Winslet, Sarah Peirse, Diana Kent, Clive Merrison, Simon O'Connor, Jed Brophy, Peter Elliott, Gilbert Goldie, Geoffrey Heath, Kirsti Ferry, Ben Skjellerup, Darien Takle, Elizabeth Moody, Liz Mullane, Moreen Eason, Pearl Carpenter, Lou Dobson, Jesse Griffin, Glen Drake, Nic Farra, Chris Clarkson, Ray Henwood, John Nicoll, Michael Maxwell, Raewyn Pelham, Toni Jones, Glenys Lloyd-Smith, Wendy Watson, Jean Guérin, Stephen Reilly, Andrea Sanders, Ben Fransham, Jessica Bradley, Alex Shirtcliffe-Scott, Barry Thomson, Kylie Cushman, Peter Jackson
show all“Heavenly Creatures” Quotes 13 quotes
“Chances are she'll grow out of it. If not... well, medical science is progressing in leaps and bounds. There could be a breakthrough at any time!”
“- John: I love you so much Paul. Do you love me as much as I love you?
- Pauline Parker: Of course I do, Nicolas.
- John: My name is John.
- Pauline Parker: Oh, but I like Nicolas so much better!”“We realised why Deborah and I have such extraordinary telepathy and why people treat us and look at us the way they do. It is because we are mad. We are both stark raving mad!”
“I felt thoroughly depressed and even quite seriously considered committing suicide. Life seemed so much not worth the living and death such an easy way out.”
“All the best people have bad chests and bone diseases. It's all frightfully romantic.”
“It's the intensity of the friendship that concerns me. I think we should avert trouble before it starts.”
“- Pauline Parker: Oh, I wish James Mason would do a religious picture! He'd be perfect as Jesus!
- Juliet Hulme: Daddy says the Bible's a load of bunkum!
- Pauline Parker: But we're all going to heaven?
- Juliet Hulme: I'm not! I'm going to The Fourth World... it's sort of like heaven. Only better, because there aren't any Christians!”“Anger against Mother boiled up inside me, as it is she who is one of the main obstacles in my path. Suddenly a means of ridding myself of this obstacle occurred to me. If she were to die...”
“Only the best people fight against all obstacles in pursuit of happiness.”
“Why could not mother die? Dozens of people are dying all the time, thousands, so why not mother? And father too.”
“Affairs are much more exciting than marriages. As Mummy can testify.”
“There are living among two dutiful daughters - of a man who possesses two beautiful daughters - you cannot know nor yet try to guess, the sweet soothingness of their caress. The outstanding genius of this pair is understood by few, they are so rare.”