“Hellraiser IV: Bloodline” quotes
Title Hellraiser IV: Bloodline
Original title Hellraiser: Bloodline
Year 1996
Directors Kevin Yagher, Alan Smithee
Genre Sci-Fi, Horror
Original title Hellraiser: Bloodline
Year 1996
Directors Kevin Yagher, Alan Smithee
Genre Sci-Fi, Horror
Plot – In 2127 Philip Marchant, a descendant of the creator of the magic cube, faces Pinehead and travels back in time. Philip learns how the cube has always caused troubles for his family.
All actors – Bruce Ramsay, Valentina Vargas, Doug Bradley, Charlotte Chatton, Adam Scott, Kim Myers, Mickey Cottrell, Louis Turenne, Courtland Mead, Louis Mustillo, Jody St. Michael, Paul Perri
show all“Hellraiser IV: Bloodline” Quotes 8 quotes
“You are no different from that beast who sucks the bones you throw to it!”
“- Pinhead: Two minutes. Two centuries. It all ticks by so quickly. You are so very like your ancestor, did you know that? I have the distinct sense of déjà vu. The same defiance, the same faithless hope in the light.
- Dr. Paul Merchant: And what do you have faith in?
- Pinhead: Nothing. I am so exquisitely empty.”“- John Merchant: For God's sake!
- Pinhead: Do I look like someone who cares what God thinks?”“A lesson, Princess: Work with me or for me...”