“Holes” quotes
Andrew Davis
directed this movie
in 2003
Title Holes
Year 2003
Director Andrew Davis
Genre Drama, Comedy, Adventure, Family, Mystery
Year 2003
Director Andrew Davis
Genre Drama, Comedy, Adventure, Family, Mystery
Plot – Unfairly accused of stealing a pair of sneakers, Stanley Yelnats IV must choose whether going to prison or serving the sentence at Green Lake Park. Stanley chooses the second option but he doesn't know what is waiting for him: Green Lake Park is run by a mysterious 'Guardian' with two assistants, Mr. Sir and Dr. Pendanski, who force the prisoners to dig holes in the desert in order to look for a lost treasure.
All actors – Sigourney Weaver, Jon Voight, Tim Blake Nelson, Shia LaBeouf, Khleo Thomas, Jake M. Smith, Byron Cotton, Brenden Jefferson, Miguel Castro, Max Kasch, Noah Poletiek, Zane Holtz
show all“Holes” Quotes 10 quotes
“I learn from failure.”
“They all have their little nicknames, however I prefer to use the names their parents gave them, the names society will recognize them by.”
“All life begins with water. So think of it this way, I'm givin' you life.”
“Everything turns to callous eventually. That's life!”
“I'm not stupid, I know everyone thinks I am, I just don't like answering stupid questions.”
“- Stanley: Where's a person go to the bathroom around here?
- Magnet: Pick a hole, any hole.”“I never mean to steal anything, but when I see a nice car, I just start twitching.”
“Everyone in my family names their son Stanley, 'cause it's Yelnats backwards. It's this little tradition.”
“It smells like puke from a mule been 'ruminating on asparagus for two weeks.”