“Hurricane Streets” quotes

Movie Hurricane Streets
Title Hurricane Streets
Original title Hurricane
Year 1997
Director Morgan J. Freeman
Genre Drama, Crime, Romance
All actors – Brendan Sexton III, Antoine McLean, Mtume Gant, Carlo Alban, David Roland Frank, Adrian Grenier, Lynn Cohen, L.M. Kit Carson, Edie Falco, Isidra Vega, Andy Ko, José Zúñiga
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  • “- Benny: What do you want to be? Are you gonna be like a farmer or something?
    - Marcus: I guess I could be a farmer.
    - Benny: Yeah, I wanted to be a cop. But now that we steal so much, it's probably not a good idea.”

    Carlo Alban - Benny
    Brendan Sexton III - Marcus
  • “I might have sold a thing or two. It's not like killing people or selling drugs.”
    Brendan Sexton III - Marcus
    [Tag:drugs, killing]