“Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” quotes
Steven Spielberg
directed this movie
in 2008
Title Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Year 2008
Director Steven Spielberg
Genre Adventure, Action
Year 2008
Director Steven Spielberg
Genre Adventure, Action
Plot – The movie is set in 1957, during Cold War. Indiana Jones and his partner Mac are just escaped from the college where Jones teaches and where some Soviet spies were waiting for them. The news aren’t good: the American government suspects Jones to be a Soviet ally and wants to fire him. However, the meeting with the young Mutt gives him the opportunity to start a new and risky adventure: the research of the Crystal Skull of Akator, a magic and mysterious object. The two men go to Peru and face many difficulties, including the Soviet spies led by the icy Irina Spalko, looking for the precious relic as well.
All actors – Harrison Ford, Cate Blanchett, Karen Allen, Shia LaBeouf, Ray Winstone, John Hurt, Jim Broadbent, Igor Jijikine, Dimitri Diatchenko, Ilia Volok, Emmanuel Todorov, Pasha D. Lychnikoff, Andrew Divoff, Venya Manzyuk, Alan Dale, Joel Stoffer, Neil Flynn, V.J. Foster, Chet Hanks, Brian Knutson, Dean Grimes, Sasha Spielberg, Nicole Luther, Sophia Stewart, Chris Todd, Dennis Nusbaum, T. Ryan Mooney, Audi Resendez, Helena Barrett, Carlos Linares, Gustavo Hernandez, Maria Luisa Minelli, Nito Larioza, Ernie Reyes Jr., Jon Valera, Kevin Collins, Robert Baker, Andre Alexsen, Fileena Bahris, Jon Braver, Amanda Bromberg, Noelle Bruno, Tim Camarillo, Marly Coronel, Martin Dew, Ted Grossman, Michael J. Jacyna, Joe Jagatic, Gleb Kaminer, Brendon John Kelly, Adam Kirley, David LaVera, Jonathan Lomma, Janet Lopez, Michael Maddigan, Chuck Maldonado, Sean Marrinan, Steven A. Miller, Adam Prakop, Sam Rocco, Ilya Rockwell, Jason Roehm, Errol Sack, Philip J Silvera, Andrew Simms, Bogdan Szumilas, Bryan Thompson, Paul Thornton, Conor Timmis, John H. Tobin, Maria Zambrana, Dianne Zaremba, Ilya Jonathan Zaydenberg
show all“Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” Quotes 10 quotes
“We seem to have reached the age where life stops giving us things and starts taking them away.”
“How much of human life is lost in waiting?”
“- Indiana Jones: Nazca Indians used to bind their infants' head with rope to elongate the skull like that.
- Mutt Williams: Why?
- Indiana Jones: Honor the gods.
- Mutt Williams: No, no. God's head is not like that, man.
- Indiana Jones: Depends on who your god is.”“I barely recognize this country anymore. The government's got us seeing Communists in our soup.”
“- Mutt Williams: You're not my dad, alright!
- Indiana Jones: You bet I am; and I've got news for you; you're gonna go back and finish school!
- Mutt Williams: Oh really! What happend to there's not a damn thing wrong, with you kid, don't let anybody else tell you any different! You don't remember saying that!
- Indiana Jones: That was before I...” (continue)(continue reading)“Belief, Dr. Jones, is a gift you have yet to receive. My sympathies.”
“- Marion Ravenwood: You still living a trail of human wreckage, or have you retired?
- Indiana Jones: Why? You looking for a date?
- Marion Ravenwood: With anyone but you.”