“Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom” quotes
Steven Spielberg
directed this movie
in 1984
Title Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Year 1984
Director Steven Spielberg
Genre Adventure, Action
Year 1984
Director Steven Spielberg
Genre Adventure, Action
Plot – Having survived death in the Himalayas, Indiana Jones, Willie the singer and Shorty, the Chinese boy, end up in an Indian village where Kalì's worshipers have stolen a miraculous stone and all the children. Our heroes reach Pencot Mansion and discover an underground temple, venue of horrible sacrifices and a cover-up for child slavery exploitation.
All actors – Harrison Ford, Kate Capshaw, Jonathan Ke Quan, Amrish Puri, Roshan Seth, Philip Stone, Roy Chiao, David Yip, Ric Young, Chua Kah Joo, Rex Ngui, Philip Tan, Dan Aykroyd, Akio Mitamura, Michael Yama, D.R. Nanayakkara, Dharmadasa Kuruppu, Stany De Silva, Ruby de Mel, Denavaka Hamine, Iranganie Serasinghe, Dharshana Panangala, Raj Singh, Frank Olegario, Ahmed El Shenawi, Arthur F. Repola, Nizwar Karanj, Pat Roach, Moti Makan, Mellan Mitchell, Bhasker Patel, Arjun Pandher, Zia Gelani, Debbie Astell, Maureen Bacchus, Corinne Barton, Carol Beddington, Sharon Boone, Elizabeth Burville, Marisa Campbell, Christine Cartwright, Andrea Chance, Jan Colton, Louise Dalgleish, Lorraine Doyle, Vanessa Fieldwright, Brenda Glassman, Elaine Gough, Sue Hadleigh, Sarah-Jane Hassell, Samantha Hughes, Julie Kirk, Deirdre Laird, Vicki McDonald, Nina McMahon, Julia Marstand, Gaynor Martine, Lisa Mulidore, Dawn Reddall, Rebekkah Sekyi, Clare Smalley, Lee Sprintall, Jenny Turnock, Ruth Welby, Sidney Ganis, George Lucas, Frank Marshall, Anthony Powell, Steven Spielberg
show all“Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom” Quotes 29 quotes
“The biggest trouble with her is the noise.”
“- Willie Scott: You know how to fly, don't you?
- Indiana Jones: Um, no. Do you?”“- Willie Scott: What's that?
- Lao Che: Antidote.
- Indiana Jones: To what?
- Lao Che: The poison you just drank.”“- Indiana Jones: Willie, Willie, Willie. What kind of a name is that? Is it short for something?
- Willie: Willie is my professional name, Indiana.
- Short Round: Hey, lady! You call him Dr. Jones!
- Indiana Jones: My professional name.”“- Lao Che: You never told me you spoke my language, Doctor Jones.
- Indiana Jones: Only on special occasions.”“I keep telling you, you listen to me more, you live longer!”
“Your friend has seen, and she has heard. Now she will not talk.”
“- Willie Scott: Ooh, what big birds!
- Indiana Jones: Those aren't big birds, sweetheart! They're giant vampire bats!”“Indy, I love you. Wake up, Indy! You're my best friend! Wake up, Indy!”
“Are you trying to develop a sense of humor or am I going deaf?”
“- Indiana Jones: Anything can happen. It's a long way to Delhi.
- Willie Scott: No, thanks. No more adventures with you, Dr. Jones.
- Indiana Jones: Sweetheart, after all the fun we've had together?”“What a vivid imagination.”