“Interstate 60: Episodes of The Road” quotes
Plot – Neil is a painter but his father would like to see him graduated in law at Oxford. The situation changes suddenly when Neil meets One Wish Grant, a person who's able to fulfill every desire. The guy starts an adventure on the road along the Interstate 60, a road that actually doesn't exist. During the travel, Neil meets many characters. Will he meet the girl who inspires his paintings at night?
All actors – Matthew Edison, Paul Brogren, Wayne Robson, Gary Oldman, Michael J. Fox, James Marsden, Melyssa Ade, John Bourgeois, Roz Michaels, Amy Stewart, Christopher Lloyd, Jonathan Whittaker, Mark Lutz, Krista Leis, Michael Rhoades, Art Evans, John Henry Canavan, Kedar Brown, Angela Asher, Daniel Kash, Doug Lennox, Amy Jo Johnson, Rebecca Jenkins, Ted Ludzik, Leah Renee, Tyler Kyte, Kurt Russell, Liz Royer, Chris Cooper, Billy Otis, Ho Chow, Ann-Margret, Jane Moffat, Les Porter, Rene Lemieux, Katherine Trowell, James Downing, Emanuel Arruda, Phillip MacKenzie, Joe Matheson, Deborah Odell, Duane Murray, Amy Smart, Ken Kramer, Nigel Hamer, John Watson, Ross Collins, Chris Nickerson, Benjamin Patch, Link Leavere, Mike Bruner
show all“Interstate 60: Episodes of The Road” Quotes 21 quotes
“Say what you mean, mean what you say. You know that if everybody followed that rule, there'd be a lot less trouble?”
“- Woman on radio: The choice is clear. The Arion 620, the American-made car for American-made drivers.
- Bob Cody: That's a lie. Arion engines are made in Japan.
- Man on radio: Kill Signal, the movie everyone's talking about, from Weber Films.
- Bob Cody: That's another lie. We're not talking about it.
- Another man on radio: We're the U.S....” (continue)(continue reading)“Given an infinite universe and infinite time, all things will happen. That means that every event is inevitable, including those that are impossible.”
“Experience has conditioned you into thinking that all hearts are red and all spades are black because their shapes are similar. It's easier for your mind to interpret them based on that past experience instead of being open to the idea they could be different.”
“- Neal Oliver: What about space? You know, the final frontier!
- Bob Cody: Ah, Star Trek isn't space. That's television - fine fuckin' frontier that is. Besides, how many folks can just pack up and go to space?”“Some people say we have the frontier of the mind, and they go off and explore the wonderful world of alcohol and drugs, but that's no frontier. It's just another way for us to fool ourselves. And we've created this phony frontier with computers, which allows people to, you know, think they've escaped. A frontier with access fees?”
“Messing with people's heads can be a lot of fun. You should try it.”
“One young couple wished to be married and live happily ever after. So I blew up their car at the church on the way to the honeymoon. Another guy he wanted great, perfect sex every day with his choice of gorgeous women - no pregnancies. So everyday he gets a FedEx delivery of a skin magazine and a box of tissues.”
“- Valerie McCabe: Every adult citizen of Morlaw is a lawyer, so everybody sues everybody else. It doesn't matter if there's a cause. It's how we ensure that everyone makes a living of their profession.
- Neal Oliver: Yeah, but that's insane.
- Valerie McCabe: I could sue you for that. You just made a defamatory remark about this town. Hey, are...” (continue)(continue reading)“- Neal Oliver: Okay, so if everyone who lives here is a lawyer, how do you live? I mean, who runs the grocery store? Who does your dry-cleaning? Who fixes the shitter when it breaks?
- Valerie McCabe: Well, we all moonlight on the law-related jobs. You know, police, bailiffs, court reporters. But those other, trivial things you mentioned?...” (continue)(continue reading)“- Lynn Linden: Something wrong with the way I fucking talk?
- Neal Oliver: No, no, no no no... I mean yes. Yes, you make Mike Tyson sound like an Oxford graduate.”“Every event is inevitable - if it wasn't, it wouldn't happen.”
“- Neal Oliver: Well, I'm going to Danver. I wouldn't mind making some money.
- Bob Cody: Good. I'm going to Renburg. It's on your way. Here's my proposition. You pay for gas, pay for your meals. No alcohol while you're on payroll. I pick the radio stations. I initiate all conversations. I'll pay you $10 cash every hour, and the mileage money...” (continue)(continue reading)“I don't drive, and I don't like to hitchhike. When I hitchhike I'm at the mercy of the driver. But when I pay for the ride, I'm the employer and I call the shots. That's how I like it.”
“About a hundred years ago he came up with a theory about the frontier. He said the frontier was a safety valve for civilization, a place for people to go to keep from goin' mad. So, whenever there were folks who couldn't fit in with the way things were, nuts, and malcontents, and extremists, they'd pack up and head for the frontier. That's how...” (continue)(continue reading)
“We see what we expect to see, not necessarily what's really there.”
“- Valerie McCabe: Fred, Mr. Oliver is a potential fugitive. Lock him up.
- Neal Oliver: Lock me up?
- Valerie McCabe: Of course. We lawyers have to protect our livelihood.
- Neal Oliver: Wait; you can't do this to me. I have rights.
- Valerie McCabe: I know you do, Sweetie. I'm here to protect them.”“Don't take it personal kid. I fuck with everybody.”
“I worked graveyard shift at a grocery warehouse, filling orders for the trucks to take to the various stores in the morning. I liked it for three reasons: I'd gotten the job on my own, it paid enough that I did not have to ask the old man for cash, and it annoyed Daniel that his son was even working at such a low class job.”