“Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages” quotes
All actors – Lillian Gish, Mae Marsh, Robert Harron, F.A. Turner, Sam De Grasse, Vera Lewis, Mary Alden, Eleanor Washington, Pearl Elmore, Lucille Browne, Julia Mackley, Miriam Cooper
show all“Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages” Quotes 10 quotes
“You lice! You rats! You refuse me? There is no gentler dove in all Babylon than I.”
“Any man will be happy with this sweet wild rose - this gentle dove.”
“Our marriage will be announced tomorrow. This bud will blossom tomorrow.”
“- Catherine de Médici: Such a fine man, Admiral Coligny. If only he thought as we do.
- L'amiral de Coligny: Such a wonderful king. If only he thought as we do.”“- The Mountain Girl: Oh, lord of lords! Oh, king of kings! Oh, masu! Oh, scorching sun of the mid-day, these bugs will not buy me for a wife! I dwell in sorrow.
- Prince Belshazzar: This seal gives you freedom to marry or not to marry - to be consecrated to the goddess of love or not as thou choosest.”“My Lord, like white pearls I shall keep my tears in an ark of silver for your return. I bite my thumb! I strike my girdle! If you return not, I go to the death halls of Allat.”
“Touch my skirt and I'll scratch your eyes out!”
“I'll walk like her and maybe everyone will like me too.”