“Just Looking” quotes

Movie Just Looking
Title Just Looking
Year 1999
Director Jason Alexander
Genre Comedy, Drama
All actors – Richard V. Licata, Marcell Rosenblatt, Ryan Merriman, Patti LuPone, Deirdre O'Connell, Heather Hopwood, Alex Sobol, Ilana Levine, Peter Onorati, Shirl Bernheim, Joey Franquinha, Chevi Colton
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  • “Just because a kid's story sounds hard to believe, doesn't mean it never happened.”
    Ryan Merriman - Lenny Levine
    [Tag:children, reality]
  • My father always said "Make the best of what you got".
    Ryan Merriman - Lenny Levine
  • - Barbara: In the "sex club" we only talk about sex, we don't actually do it.
    - Lenny: That's okay, I would not want to get anyone pregnant.
    - Alice: Oh, you don't have to worry about that. Barbara can't get pregnant, she has not started her period yet.
    - Barbara: Hey!
    - Lenny: ...What?

    Allie Spiro Winn - Barbara Sabatini
    Ryan Merriman - Lenny Levine
    Amy Braverman - Alice Moran
    [Tag:period, pregnancy, sex]
  • “I don't think women in the Bronx have periods.”
    Ryan Merriman - Lenny Levine
  • “- Polinsky: Has anyone ever told you about the birds and the bees?
    - Lenny: Yeah, we learned about it in biology. Bees sting and birds crap on your head.”

    Richard V. Licata - Mort Polinsky
    Ryan Merriman - Lenny Levine
    [Tag:bees, birds, sex]