“Knight Moves” quotes
All actors – Christopher Lambert, Diane Lane, Tom Skerritt, Daniel Baldwin, Codie Lucas Wilbee, Joshua Murray, Frank C. Turner, Don Thompson, Megan Leitch, Alex Diakun, Ferdy Mayne, Katharine Isabelle
show all“Knight Moves” Quotes 11 quotes
“Pain is relative, remember. You can not judge mine.”
“- Kathy Sheppard: You set your life up like one of your chessboards. You're impassable. You've become trapped behind your defenses. You're cut off from everybody around you.
- Peter Sanderson: What are you talking about? You don't know me.
- Kathy Sheppard: Does anyone?”“You're acting like a superstitious schoolboy, Peter. What's next, incense and Rosary beads?”
“You couldn't find your dick in a windstorm.”
“- Peter Sanderson: Computers, that's the way you got into Randall's Roxford's records... You can get into anything.
- David: Yes I can... Including your mind! I'm in there right now, aren't I, Peter? I'll always be with you no matter how disturbed I get.”“I've got a drunk for a wife and a lunatic for a son.”