“Lake Placid” quotes
(1999)Plot – A mysterious being has been killing animals and people around the remote Lake Placid, in Maine. After another incident, the locals decide to organize themselves and call on Jack Wells, a former lawyer now ranger. The news of a mysterious being, however, reaches the city and the university sends paleontologist Kelly Scott on site. Jack tolerates this external presence reluctantly and the disagreement is also total between the other two members of the expedition: Sheriff Hank, who wants to find the beast as soon as possible and kill it, and Prof. Hector, who wants to capture it to study it.
All actors – Bill Pullman, Bridget Fonda, Oliver Platt, Brendan Gleeson, Betty White, David Lewis, Tim Dixon, Natassia Malthe, Mariska Hargitay, Meredith Salenger, Jed Rees, Richard Leacock
show all“Lake Placid” Quotes 29 quotes
“- Jack Wells: Do you know how your husband died?
- Mrs. Bickerman: Oh yes! I killed him.
- Jack Wells: You killed him?
- Mrs. Bickerman: Oh yes!”“- Sheriff Hank Keough: Who are you?
- Hector Cyr: Hector Cyr, I said it once. Lemme know when it sinks in, ok?”“I could probably cut him down but there's this odd look of mayhem on his upside-down face.”
“- Kelly Scott: We're doing the right thing.
- Jack Wells: You might think differently if you get eaten.”