“Legend” quotes

Movie Legend
Sir Ridley Scott directed this movie in 1985
Title Legend
Year 1985
Director Ridley Scott
Genre Romance, Adventure, Fantasy
Plot – The powerful and evil Lord of Darkness makes the Earth fall into the darkness of the night to take over it, wiping every trace of Goodness. The guardians of Light and Goodness are two beautiful white unicorns who live in a clearing. Here Jack leads the Princess Lili when the evil creatures kidnap the girl and kill a unicorn. Only after many adventures, Goodness and Light are triumphant. It is the metaphorical praise of the light in a story that blends Shakespearean elements with Peter Pan story. The elaborate pictures and the sumptuous scenes make the film a lush study of magic, but not so exciting.
All actors – Tom Cruise, Mia Sara, Tim Curry, David Bennent, Alice Playten, Billy Barty, Cork Hubbert, Peter O'Farrell, Kiran Shah, Annabelle Lanyon, Robert Picardo, Tina Martin, Ian Longmur, Michael Crane, Liz Gilbert, Eddie Powell, Ian Stewart, Jeff Davies, Sally Dewhurst, Jane Devonshire, Amanda Rose, Joey Baxter, Sharon Brown, Nicky Dewhurst, Debbie Greenwell, Helene Holland, Anna Kipling, Samantha Newbury, Belinda Payne, Gabriel Piatrowski, Jerome Sax, , Mike Edmonds
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