“Les Miserables” quotes
All actors – Christopher Adamson, Tim Barlow, Timothy Bateson, Veronika Bendová, David Birkin, Reine Brynolfsson, Patsy Byrne, Kathleen Byron, Václav Chalupa, Ian Cregg, Ben Crompton, Claire Danes
show all“Les Miserables” Quotes 14 quotes
“Modern science tells us that people are, by nature, law breakers or law abiders. A wolf could wear sheep's clothing but he's still a wolf.”
“Reform is a discredited fantasy.”
“When I was young, just your age, I was very poor, I was starving. One day, I stood in front of the window. A window full of bread, there was just glass between me... and not being hungry anymore, it was so easy. So I broke it and took what I wanted. Then they caught me and put me in chains for almost 19 years. They did things to me... and I did...” (continue)(continue reading)
“- Javert: Monsieur, a grave violation of the public trust has been committed. An inferior has shown a complete lack of respect for the law. He must be exposed and punished.
- Valjean: Who is the offender?
- Javert: I am. I slandered you Monsieur Le Maire, I'm here to ask that you demand my dismissal.”“It's a pity the law doesn't allow me to be merciful.”
“- Valjean: How do you know I'm not going to murder you?
- Bishop: How do you know I'm not going to murder you?
- Valjean: What is that - a joke?
- Bishop: I guess we'll have to trust each other.”“I order you to forgive yourself.”
“- Marius: If we can't win today, then none of us have a future.
- Valjean: You have love. That's the only future God gives us.”“This is right, my dear. I stole something, I did. I stole happiness with you. I don't mind paying.”
“- Valjean: You look better everyday.
- Fantine: Liar.”