“Liberty Stands Still” quotes

Movie Liberty Stands Still
Title Liberty Stands Still
Year 2002
Director Kari Skogland
Genre Thriller, Drama
Plot – Liberty Wallace is the daughter and the wife of arms dealers. One night, she gets a phone call and a voice tells her life will last 90 minutes from that moment on. In fact she's bound to a hot dog cart which contains a bomb.
All actors – Tanya Allen, Hart Bochner, Fulvio Cecere, Gregory Calpakis, Terry Chen, Garvin Cross, Roger R. Cross, Martin Cummins, Keith Dallas, Linda Fiorentino, Marrett Green, Darcy Laurie, David Lewis, Robert Lewis, Brian Markinson, Suzette Meyers, Chiara Ohoven, Steve Pascal, Oliver Platt, Shawn Reis, Claire Riley, Ryan Robbins, Jonathan Scarfe, Darryl Scheelar, Ron Selmour, Jeff Seymour, Rekha Sharma, Michael David Simms, Wesley Snipes, Blake Stovin, Ian Tracey, Hilda van der Meulen, José Vargas, Jerry Wasserman, Connor Widdows, Peter Williams
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