“Light It Up” quotes

Movie Light It Up
Title Light It Up
Year 1999
Director Craig Bolotin
Genre Drama, Thriller
Plot – In Queens, one of the poorest neighborhood of New York, there's Lincoln High School, as degraded as the messy area all around. Prof. Knowles is suspended and his students don't accept his punishment, so they occupy the school. Lester is the leader, a student and a good basketball player. Police arrives and agent Jackson negotiates with the students and Lester inveighs against him saying he wants his father back, who was killed long ago by some cops. Jackson's wife and son are dead too. In the meantime, out of the school people and reporters gather around and the police decides to do a blitz, which ends up with some students' detention.
All actors – Usher Raymond, Forest Whitaker, Rosario Dawson, Robert Ri'chard, Judd Nelson, Fredro Starr, Sara Gilbert, Clifton Collins Jr., Glynn Turman, Vic Polizos, Vanessa Williams, Gaddiel Otero
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