“Liquid Sky” quotes
Title Liquid Sky
Year 1982
Director Slava Tsukerman
Genre Sci-Fi
Year 1982
Director Slava Tsukerman
Genre Sci-Fi
Plot – An alien lands in front of Margaret and Adrian's apartment. It feeds on a substance produced by the human brain during orgasms and it has chosen that couple because they often have sex. Each time in fact the alien gets the substance from Margaret's brain and kills her partner. German ufologist Johan Hoffman lives nearby and during a party at Margaret's, he rushes to her telling she's in danger too, but she refuses the truth and she begs the alien to kill her too and to end all the atrocities.
All actors – Anne Carlisle, Paula E. Sheppard, Susan Doukas, Otto von Wernherr, Bob Brady, Elaine C. Grove, Stanley Knapp, Jack Adalist, Lloyd Ziff, Harry Lum, Roy MacArthur, Sara Carlisle
show all“Liquid Sky” Quotes 14 quotes
“I was taught that I should come to New York, become an independent woman. And my prince would come, and he would be an agent, and he would get me a role, and I would make my living waiting on tables. I would wait - till thirty, till forty, till fifty. And I was taught that to be an actress, one should be fashionable, and to be fashionable is to...” (continue)(continue reading)
“- Katherine: Cocteau was Cocteau before he ever did... drugs.
- Owen: What are you saying?
- Katherine: That it's not going to help you.”- Owen: Wally wants to go to bed with you.
- Margaret: Nobody fucks at the club, everybody's gay! It's you that thinks about fucking all the time.
- Owen: Your vocabulary is punctuated by two words: "shit" and "fuck".“I kill with my cunt.”
“How to get into show business: be nice to your professor. Be nice to your agent. Be nice to your audience, be nice. How to be a woman: want them when I want you. How to be free and equal: fuck women instead of men, and you'll discover a whole kingdom of freedom. Men won't step on you anymore, women will.”
You wanted to know where I'm from? I'm from Connecticut, Mayflower stock. I was taught that my prince would come, and he would be a lawyer, and I would have his children. And on the weekends we would barbecue. And all the other princes and their princesses would come, and they would say, "Delicious, delicious". Oh, how boring.
“- Johann: I'm sorry, but duty is more important than shrimps.
- Sylvia: Oh. Well, the duty is yours, the house is mine. And in my house, shrimps are more important than duty.”“Whether or not I like someone doesn't depend on what kind of genitals they have.”
- Margaret: Are you trying to say that your blue jeans weren't theater?
- Owen: It's not the same thing.
- Margaret: So your professor wore a three-piece suit and blamed you for your jeans. And your jeans were "too much". And he didn't understand that his suit was also a costume. You thought your jeans stood for love, freedom and sexual equality... (continue)(continue reading)“When we were at Cambridge there was a war, I think it was between the... they were called mods and rockers, and they went at each other with bicycle chains. I don't think your punks need help from the outside to kill themselves.”
“You just wanna get laid. You'll say anything to get laid. Just like everyone else from California. What do you have, a cock for a brain, baby? Don't fuck with me, you asshole. Why don't you go fuck your father if he loves you so much?”