“Lolita” quotes

Movie Lolita
Stanley Kubrick directed this movie in 1962
Title Lolita
Year 1962
Director Stanley Kubrick
Genre Drama, Romance
Plot – Professor Humbert moves to Ramsdale and rents a room in the house of Charlotte Hage, who courts him so relentlessly he would escape. However he's fallen for Lolita, the woman's teenage daughter, and to stay with her Humbert marries Charlotte. One day, she notices Lolita's attraction for him and runs away distraught, so Humbert can now have the girl all for himself. He leaves Ramsdale and takes Lolita with him, but during the journey the girl escapes without telling him anything. Humbert finds her three years later, married and pregnant.
All actors – James Mason, Shelley Winters, Sue Lyon, Gary Cockrell, Jerry Stovin, Diana Decker, Lois Maxwell, Cec Linder, Bill Greene, Shirley Douglas, Marianne Stone, Marion Mathie, James Dyrenforth, Maxine Holden, John Harrison, Colin Maitland, Terry Kilburn, C. Denier Warren, Roland Brand, Peter Sellers, Irvin Allen, Beverly Bennett, Ed Bishop, Angela Bradley, Jean Carnt, Jean Collins, Peter Cushing, Jennifer Dodd, Anne Flack, Susanne Gibbs, Jacqueline Harris, Loraine Hart, Gloria Johnson, Jenny Jones, Lilian Keeton, Eric Lane, Christopher Lee, Isabelle Lucas, Coral Morphew, Jeanette Neale, Maria Nicholas, Robert C. Overton, Sonya Petrie, Jacqueline Poole, Craig Sams, Roberta Shore, Marti Webb
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