“Love & Basketball” quotes
Plot – In 1981 in LA, Monica meets Quincy. The two 11-year-old kids wish to play in the NBA, as Quincy’s dad does. Their love-hate relationship goes on during high school and although some events make them drift apart, Monica still allows Quincy to sleep on her room’s floor when the guy’s parents argue. High school is coming to an end when the two become a couple and play in the USC. However, Quincy’s troubled relationship with his dad causes their break-up. Several years after, they meet each other again when their professional careers are at a turning point. It is time for the match point, when everything is at stake.
All actors – Glenndon Chatman, Jess Willard, Chris Warren, Kyla Pratt, Alfre Woodard, Naykia Harris, Harry Lennix, Debbi Morgan, Dennis Haysbert, Sanaa Lathan, Omar Epps, Colleen Matsuhara
show all“Love & Basketball” Quotes 23 quotes
“Don't even trip, mama. She's just mad because she's bow-legged.”
“I've been in love with you since I was eleven, and the shit won't go away.”
“Double or nothing.”
“So that's it? Just forget about you and me?”
“- Young Quincy: Can't do this shit!
- Zeke McCall: Boy, what did I tell you about using that word?
- Young Quincy: Can't should never be in a man's vocabulary.
- Zeke McCall: And why not?
- Young Quincy: Cause when you say can't you ain’t a man!”“You think I'd go hoarse for a player with no potential? When I ignore you... then you worry.”
“- Quincy McCall: I took the hoe to Burger King.
- Monica Wright: Cheap date.”“- Young Quincy: I don't wanna be your boyfriend no more you ugly dog!
- Young Monica: Well I don't wanna be your girlfriend no more big head!”“Chances are there's still a chance.”
“Who you goin to the dance with anyway? Spalding?”
“All's fair in love and basketball.”
“- Young Quincy: You wanna be my girl?
- Young Monica: What do I have to do?
- Young Quincy: I guess we can play ball and ride to school together, and when you get mad at me I gotta give you flowers.
- Young Monica: But I don't like flowers. How 'bout Twinkies? My mom won't ever buy 'em.
- Young Quincy: Okay.”“- Monica Wright: I never asked you to choose.
- Quincy McCall: You never had to.”“- Camille Wright: I don't know why I keep wishing that you'll grow out of this tomboy thing.
- Monica Wright: I won't. I'm a lesbian.”“- Monica Wright: I'll play you.
- Quincy McCall: For what?
- Monica Wright: Your heart.”“I’m a ball player.”
“Damn girl... I didn't know Nike made dresses.”
“Offense sells tickets. Defense wins games.”
“If basketball is all you care about, why you bonin' me? Why don't you bone Dick Vital?”