“Man of the Year” quotes
All actors – Robin Williams, Christopher Walken, Laura Linney, Lewis Black, Jeff Goldblum, David Alpay, Faith Daniels, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Doug Murray, Chris Matthews, James Carville
show all“Man of the Year” Quotes 29 quotes
“TV puts everybody in those boxes, side-by-side. On one side, there's this certifiable lunatic who says the Holocaust never happened. And next to him is this noted, honored historian who knows all about the Holocaust. And now, there they sit, side-by-side, they look like equals! Everything they say seems to be credible. And so, as it goes on,...” (continue)(continue reading)
“Politicians are a lot like diapers. They should be changed frequently, and for the same reason.”
“Italy just elected a porn star to their senate. Which is wonderful, because that means no sex scandals - just great posters and incredible downloads.”
“I had sex with a prostitute when I was 21, I was so bad, she gave me a refund.”
“HMOs will pay for your Viagra, but they won't pay for your glasses. So you can have a hard-on, but you can't see where to put it.”
“When you're in love with a beautiful woman, she can tell you that Gandhi ate hot dogs and you'll believe her.”
“You wanna fuck with our democracy, undermine our way of life? Every American believes their vote counts. You wanna tell them that's not true?”
“Politicians today look like they're borrowed from the wax museum: they're already in their suits, waiting to be buried. You don't wanna be like them; you wanna be different.”
“Here's the story: the people are voting, there's an election, and the democratic process is working. The only sour note? The people won't end up with the candidate that they voted for to be President. We can still celebrate the process. The democracy which we hold so dear will have worked. Everybody's gonna be satisfied...”
“Freedom of religion means practicing any religion you want, anytime and anywhere you want. Like being a Jewish Buddhist: all you do is sit and wait for stuff to go on sale.”
“Perception of legitimacy is more important than legitimacy itself. That's the greater truth.”
“If it was really unpatriotic to question one's government, we'd still be British.”
“The President wants to pass an amendment banning same-sex marriage. Anybody who's been married knows it's always the same sex!”
If you have GPS, be very careful. I bought a Mercedes recently with talking GPS. I opened the door and my car went, "Are you Jewish?".
“Why vote for Congressmen or Senators? Why don't we just pick those guys the same way we pick a jury? At least we'll get a much more interesting cross-section.”