“McVicar” quotes

Movie McVicar
Title McVicar
Year 1980
Director Tom Clegg
Genre Crime, Drama
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Plot – John McVicar has been convicted to spend 23 years in prison. The detainment is harsh and since he is stubborn, he is victim of several tortures. Freedom becomes an obsession, until he decides to escape with his fellow prisoner by digging a tunnel. They are successful, but their freedom won’t last for long.
All actors – Roger Daltrey, Adam Faith, Cheryl Campbell, Billy Murray, Georgina Hale, Steven Berkoff, Brian Hall, Peter Jonfield, Matthew Scurfield, Leonard Gregory, Joe Turner, Jeremy Blake
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  • “- Prison Officer Rabies Pendel: I suppose you think you got the better of us there. But just remember, kidder, you're in for ten years.
    - Terry Stokes: Yeah, that's right, Mr. Pendel. But you're in for life, ain't you?”

    Tony Haygarth - Prison Officer Rabies Pendel
    Brian Hall - Terry Stokes
    [Tag:prison, threat]
  • “Don't get all excited, otherwise you'll macaroni your pants again.”
    Roger Daltrey - John McVicar
  • “Make sure you're not involved, woncha? ‘Cause I'll put a tool right in your belly!”
    Roger Daltrey - John McVicar
    [Tag:threat, tools]