“Me, Myself and Irene” quotes
Title Me, Myself and Irene
Original title Me, Myself & Irene
Year 2000
Directors Bobby Farrelly, Peter Farrelly
Genre Comedy
Original title Me, Myself & Irene
Year 2000
Directors Bobby Farrelly, Peter Farrelly
Genre Comedy
Plot – Charlie is a polite and kind guy and he's been a police officer for over 17 years. When his wife leaves him, he tries to get over it and takes care of their three sons alone. Unfortunately, Charlie suffers from split personality: if he doesn't take his medicines, he becomes Hank, a hyper-aggressive man who says obscenities and is an alcoholic. At work, his boss asks him to escort Irene, an arrested girl, to Massina, a city near New York. During the travel, Charlie has to face with Hank and this turns out to be diffcult because he has a crush on Irene. In the end he will manage to confront Hank and will get married with Irene.
All actors – Jim Carrey, Renée Zellweger, Anthony Anderson, Mongo Brownlee, Jerod Mixon, Chris Cooper, Michael Bowman, Richard Jenkins, Robert Forster, Mike Cerrone, Rob Moran, Daniel Greene, Tony Cox, Andrew Phillips, Jeremy Maleek Leggett, Justin Chandler, Zen Gesner, Steve Sweeney, Traylor Howard, Lenny Clarke, Herbie Flynn, Heather Hodder, Tracey Abbott, Jackie Flynn, Steve Tyler, Googy Gress, Joey McGilberry, Sean Gildea, Anna Kournikova, Bob Mone, Richard Tyson, Danny Murphy, Cam Neely, Brian Hayes Currie, Nikki Tyler-Flynn, Mark Leahy, Kevin J. Flynn, Conrad Goode, John Mark Andrade, Scott T. Neely, Shannon Whirry, Jerry Parker, Heather Dyson, Christine DiCarlo, Mark Levine, John-Eliot Jordan, Bob Weeks, Ezra Buzzington, Will Coogan, Rex Allen Jr., Lin Shaye, Leslie Munroe, Harley Brown Sr., Ray 'Rocket' Valliere, Nancy Byers, Melinda Kocsis, Christal Handy, Rudy Cheeks, Preston Thomas, Libby Langdon, Gigi Moran, Pete Peterson, J.B. Rogers, Brian Mone, Egor Davidoff, Bill Kiendl, Adriana Bega, Gordie Merrick, Brad Matthews, Kate Forster, Ben Urann, Jesse Peter, Connor Dunphy, Jordan Blevins, Dot Neary, Mike Turillo Sr., Mike Turillo Jr., Joan Ledwith, Dyanne Stroyman, Jane M. Reidy, Mariann Neary, Jaqueline Feeney, Robert Flaherty, Beth Jordan, Brian Stuebe, Sonia Stuebe, Tom Wingate, Jimmy Shay, Monica Shay, Phil M. Rosenberg, Mark Ciardi, Phil Rosenberg, Amy Leasca, Jack Andrade, Anna Byers, Tiffany Lucich, Tara Richert, David Page, Dean R. Palozej, Paula Palozej, Lauren Palozej, Hayden Palozej, Spencer Palozej, Everett Palozej, Bob O'Brien, George Bedard, Mike Cheney, Gwendolyn Rogers, Warren Tashjian, Carolyn Molloy, Patty Mullany Molloy, Bryan Molloy, Deanna Cerrone, Lisette Boren, Natassia Malthe, Jeanne Basone, Onzra Myers, Thomas Jordan, Nicholas Greenbury, Andrew Greenbury, Mark O'Day, Michael 'Don Julio' Burke, Mike D'Allessio, Brendan Shanahan, Taryn Chilivis, Jackie Shiffler, Tara Robare, Patrick Dragon, Karen Mone, Terez Kocsis, Kelsey Jordan, Harrison Frick, Ken Duvall, Josie Duval, Ann Marie Izzi, Sarah Billington, Mike Murphy, István Kocsis, Christine Mone, Patrick Mone, Scott Morehouse, Mark Dunn, Kristen Trucksess, Wenya Monique Williams, Bill O'Connor, Gretel Twombly, Kevin Biegel, Terry Mullany, Mike DiCarlo, Peter Krulewitch, Don Pritchard, Tom Beachene, John Sappo, Eric Adé, Marissa Adé, Danielle Adé, Cynthia Farrelly Gesner, Adam Kanter, Patrick Healy, Beth Mone, Doug Morton, Kate Phelon, Sarah Delfausse, Kathy Twombly, Michael P. Twombly, George Gondelman, Doug Tashjian, Brad Blank, Paul Pelletier, Charlie Pettygrove, John Stroehman, Megan O'Brien, Fran O'Brien, John Chan, Pete Anicelli, Tom Kocsis, Tommy Songin, Matt Irwin, Jim Dubois, Doug Bymark, Gerry Callahan, Joshua Loiko, Margaret Boylan, Mac Boylan, Georgia Boylan, Bill Hoyle, Joan Hoyle, Peter Biegel, Alice Biegel, Dotan Bonen, Ernie Malik, William Sherak, Matt Swick, Jeff Kuno, Malcolm Wilson, Ariana Parrillo, Liza Battaini, Diana Spaulding, Moriah Cowles, Tom Leasca, Joslin Leasca, Stacey Leasca, Mark Miosky, Bill Beauchene, Kevin R. Wood, Robert Martini, Rick Dunphy, Jan Kane, Tom Clark, Kathleen Straube, Heikki Paadre, Victoria O'Day, Susan O'Day, Luke O'Day, Emily O'Day, Smokey Cerrone, Annette Cerrone, Glenn Ciano, Keith McLaughlin, Jill McLaughlin, Mecina Bottaro, Philomena Gidea, James Gidea, Pam O'Brien, Dan O'Brien, Ken Gumbert, Barbara Tuchon, Billy Meyer, Ruth Michelle Meyer, Margo Murphy, Monique Pelletier, David James Ward, Peter Gaulke, Gerry Swallow, Dave McVeigh, Dino Macaluso, Ellie Miosky, Ben Miosky, Kate Miosky, Mac Haskell, Trish Haskell, Dan Walenty, Jim Bennett, Jay W. Yowler, Todd Christiansen, Julie Scungio, Bobby Lippincott, Pucky Lippincott, Richard Lippincott, John Dennis, Sarah Lopez, Annie Hodgson, Matt Smith, Nancy Frey-Jarecki, Steve Moran, Mike O'Donnell, Al Lampe, Mary Lampe, Docky, Eric Lariviere, Glen Skalubinski, Bob Magnan, Stephen Mone, Chris 'Chili' Palmer, Bennett Yellin, Steve Gehrke, Christopher Alan, Rebekah Aramini, Eric Bruno Borgman, Barry Brandt, Paul Bronk, Tara Perkins, Richard Pryor, Cinzia Roccaforte, Chris Rock, Mike Swanson, Tanner Wiley, James Woodson
show all“Me, Myself and Irene” Quotes 24 quotes
“- Irene: So I smoked some pot, what is that a crime?
- Agent Steve Parfitt, FBI: [hesitates] Uh-huh.”“- Charlie: Well, what if I had to move to the Arctic and you could never come home and you had to eat whale blubber for the rest of your life, would you still stay with me?
- Layla: Yeah, I'd stay. But I hope that never happens.”“- Hank: I hope we get to know each other better.
- Irene: Yeah, me too.
- Hank: Do you swallow?”“I'm not leaving till the morning, but you know the rules when I go: no bitches after eleven.”
“- Charlie: Do you people take checks?
- Limo Driver: Say that again. Do we people take checks? You mean a black man?
- Charlie: No, no, no, no, God, no! Your company.
- Limo Driver: Don't give me that backtracking bullshit, that was a racist slur!”“- Irene: I never wanted to sleep with you, Hank! Okay, you tricked me!
- Hank: Yes, I tricked you. It was deceitful, it was disgusting and despicable. But just for once, see it from my side.
- Hank: I was horny.”“Well, fuck my ozone.”
“Man how the hell can they call Pluto a planet? No motherfucking planet has an elliptical orbit. This shit don't make no sense.”
“- Jamaal: Lee Harvey, what's the diameter of a chicken egg?
- Lee Harvey: 4.08 centimeters.
- Jamaal: No, no, what's that in inches?
- Lee Harvey: 1.61, man, what the fuck you gettin' at, man?
- Jamaal: I got ten bucks saying I can squeeze a chicken egg up his ass without it breaking.”“Just because I rock doesn't mean I'm made of stone.”
“- Shonté Jr.: Okay, so, you're sayin' I add up the atomic masses of the proton and the neutron, right, I see's that, but what do I do with the goddamn electron? Can I bring it over here?
- Jamaal: Enrico Fermi'd roll over in his motherfucking grave if he heard that stupid shit. I mean, he'd just turn over ass up in your face. He wouldn't give a...” (continue)(continue reading)“- Lee Harvey: Is your old lady happy?
- Lieutenant Gerke: Is my old lady happy?
- Lee Harvey: Yeah, because if your fuckin' is anything like your police work then you couldn't hit the G-spot on a twelve pound pussy.”“- Charlie: Well, we can't be calling you Milky if your comin' with us, so what's your name?
- Whitey: Casper, but my friends call me Whitey.
- Charlie: Uh, okay.”“- Jamaal: Shit, motherfucker, you be lucky to get accepted to Duke, gettin' a 1430 on yo' SATs.
- Lee Harvey: Motherfucker, you know I had the flu.
- Jamaal: The flu, my ass! You had a motherfuckin' aneurysm to get a 1430!”“Charlie's like origami, he folds under pressure.”
“- Charlie: I have to take a pill every six hours or I feel... funny. No big deal.
- Irene: What's it called?
- Charlie: Advanced delusionary schizophrenia with involuntary narcissistic rage.”